stool; feces; ear wax; nasal mucus

strokes 9
strokes after radical 6
把屎 把屎 ba3 shi3
to support a child (or invalid etc) while he or she defecates

鼻屎 鼻屎 bi2 shi3
snot; nasal mucus

端屎 端屎 duan1 shi3
to support a child (or invalid etc) while he or she defecates

屙屎 屙屎 e1 shi3
to defecate

耳屎 耳屎 er3 shi3
earwax; cerumen

狗吃屎 狗吃屎 gou3 chi1 shi3
to fall flat on one's face (vulgar)

狗改不了吃屎 狗改不了吃屎 gou3 gai3 bu4 liao3 chi1 shi3
lit. a dog can't stop himself from eating shit (idiom); fig. bad habits are hard to change

狗屎 狗屎 gou3 shi3
canine excrement; dog poo; bullshit

狗屎运 狗屎運 gou3 shi3 yun4
unexpected success; Lucky bastard! (slang)

扣屎盔子 扣屎盔子 kou4 shi3 kui1 zi5
(northern dialect) lit. to cap in excrement; fig. to discredit with absurd unfounded accusations; to vilify

扣屎盆子 扣屎盆子 kou4 shi3 pen2 zi5
to make a scapegoat of sb; to defame; to slander

拉屎 拉屎 la1 shi3
to defecate; to shit; to crap

懒驴上磨屎尿多 懶驢上磨屎尿多 lan3 lv2 shang4 mo4 shi3 niao4 duo1
(proverb) A lazy person will find many excuses to delay working; lit. When a lazy donkey is turning a grindstone, it takes a lot of time off for peeing and pooing

猫屎咖啡 貓屎咖啡 mao1 shi3 ka1 fei1
"kopi luwak" or civet coffee, made from coffee beans plucked from Asian palm civet's feces

鸟不拉屎,鸡不生蛋 鳥不拉屎,雞不生蛋 niao3 bu4 la1 shi3 - ji1 bu4 sheng1 dan4
lit. (a place where) birds don't defecate and hens don't lay eggs (idiom); fig. god-forsaken; remote and desolate

鸟不生蛋,狗不拉屎 鳥不生蛋,狗不拉屎 niao3 bu4 sheng1 dan4 - gou3 bu4 la1 shi3
lit. (a place where) birds don't lay eggs and dogs don't defecate (idiom); fig. god-forsaken; remote and desolate

脐屎 臍屎 qi2 shi3
a newborn baby's excrement

石屎 石屎 shi2 shi3

石屎森林 石屎森林 shi2 shi3 sen1 lin2
concrete jungle

屎蚵螂 屎蚵螂 shi3 ke1 lang2
dung beetle

屎壳郎 屎殼郎 shi3 ke2 lang4
see 屎蚵螂

眼屎 眼屎 yan3 shi3
gum in the eyes

一把屎一把尿 一把屎一把尿 yi1 ba3 shi3 yi1 ba3 niao4
to have endured all sorts of hardships (to raise one's children) (idiom)

一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅汤 一顆老鼠屎壞了一鍋湯 yi1 ke1 lao3 shu3 shi3 huai4 le5 yi1 guo1 tang1
lit. a piece of rat feces spoiled the whole pot of soup (idiom); fig. one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch

一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅粥 一顆老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥 yi1 ke1 lao3 shu3 shi3 huai4 le5 yi1 guo1 zhou1
see 一粒老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥|一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥

一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥 一粒老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥 yi1 li4 lao3 shu3 shi3 huai4 le5 yi1 guo1 zhou1
lit. a piece of rat feces spoiled the whole pot of congee (idiom); fig. one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch

占着茅坑不拉屎 占著茅坑不拉屎 zhan4 zhe5 mao2 keng1 bu4 la1 shi3
lit. to occupy a latrine but not shit (proverb); fig. to be a dog in the manger