name of a mountain in Sichuan

strokes 11
strokes after radical 8
邛崃 邛崍 qiong2 lai2
Qionglai county level city in Chengdu 成都, Sichuan

邛崃山 邛崍山 qiong2 lai2 shan1
Mt Qionglai in west Sichuan, the watershed between Minjiang 岷江 and Daduhe 大渡河

邛崃山脉 邛崍山脈 qiong2 lai2 shan1 mai4
Qionglai mountains on the boundary of the Sichuan basin 四川盆地

邛崃市 邛崍市 qiong2 lai2 shi4
Qionglai county level city in Chengdu 成都, Sichuan