detriment; fraud; harm; defeat

strokes 14
strokes after radical 12
百弊丛生 百弊叢生 bai3 bi4 cong2 sheng1
All the ill effects appear. (idiom)

弊案 弊案 bi4 an4

弊病 弊病 bi4 bing4
malady; evil; malpractice; drawback; disadvantage

弊端 弊端 bi4 duan1
malpractice; abuse; corrupt practice

补偏救弊 補偏救弊 bu3 pian1 jiu4 bi4
to remedy defects and correct errors (idiom); to rectify past mistakes

雕弊 雕弊 diao1 bi4
variant of 凋敝

蠹弊 蠹弊 du4 bi4
malpractice; abuse; corrupt practice

防弊 防弊 fang2 bi4
anti-fraud; anti-cheating; preventing wrongdoing

积弊 積弊 ji1 bi4
age-old (malpractice); long established (corrupt practices); deeply rooted (superstition)

利弊 利弊 li4 bi4
pros and cons; merits and drawbacks; advantages and disadvantages

流弊 流弊 liu2 bi4
malpractice; long-running abuse

切中时弊 切中時弊 qie4 zhong4 shi2 bi4
to hit home on the evils of the day (idiom); fig. to hit a current political target; to hit the nub of the matter

权衡利弊 權衡利弊 quan2 heng2 li4 bi4
to weigh the pros and cons (idiom)

时弊 時弊 shi2 bi4
ills of the day; contemporary problems

私弊 私弊 si1 bi4
fraudulent practice

宿弊 宿弊 su4 bi4
long-standing abuse; continuing fraud

痛砭时弊 痛砭時弊 tong4 bian1 shi2 bi4
to strongly criticize the evils of the day

舞弊 舞弊 wu3 bi4

兴利除弊 興利除弊 xing1 li4 chu2 bi4
to promote what is useful and get rid of what is harmful (idiom)

徇私舞弊 徇私舞弊 xun4 si1 wu3 bi4
bribery and fraud (idiom)

营私舞弊 營私舞弊 ying2 si1 wu3 bi4
fraudulent personal gain (idiom); to engage in corrupt practice

有百利而无一弊 有百利而無一弊 you3 bai3 li4 er2 wu2 yi1 bi4
to have many advantages and no disadvantages

作弊 作弊 zuo4 bi4
to practice fraud; to cheat; to engage in corrupt practices