in 閌閬|闶阆, open space in a structure

lofty; high gate; empty moat

strokes 15
strokes after radical 7
阆风 閬風 lang2 feng1
Langfeng Mountain; same as Langyuan 閬苑|阆苑 paradise, home of the immortals in verse and legends

阆风巅 閬風巔 lang2 feng1 dian1
Langfeng Mountain; same as Langyuan 閬苑|阆苑 paradise, home of the immortals in verse and legends

阆凤山 閬鳳山 lang2 feng4 shan1
Langfeng Mountain; same as Langyuan 閬苑|阆苑 paradise, home of the immortals in verse and legends

阆中 閬中 lang2 zhong1
Lanzhong county level city in Nanchong 南充, Sichuan

阆中市 閬中市 lang2 zhong1 shi4
Lanzhong county level city in Nanchong 南充, Sichuan

阆苑 閬苑 lang4 yuan4
Langyuan paradise, home of the immortals in verse and legends