deficiency; deficit; luckily; it's lucky that...; (often ironically) fancy that...

strokes 3
strokes after radical 1
暗亏 暗虧 an4 kui1
hidden loss (finance)

不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门 不做虧心事,不怕鬼敲門 bu4 zuo4 kui1 xin1 shi4 - bu4 pa4 gui3 qiao1 men2
He who never wrongs others does not fear the knock in the night.; Rest with a clear conscience.

吃大亏 吃大虧 chi1 da4 kui1
to cost one dearly; to end disastrously; to pay bitterly

吃亏 吃虧 chi1 kui1
to suffer losses; to come to grief; to lose out; to get the worst of it; to be at a disadvantage; unfortunately

吃亏上当 吃虧上當 chi1 kui1 shang4 dang4
to be taken advantage of

吃哑巴亏 吃啞巴虧 chi1 ya3 ba5 kui1
to be forced to suffer in silence; unable to speak of one's bitter suffering

得亏 得虧 dei3 kui1
luckily; fortunately

多亏 多虧 duo1 kui1
thanks to; luckily

功亏一篑 功虧一簣 gong1 kui1 yi1 kui4
lit. to ruin the enterprise for the sake of one basketful; to fail through lack of a final effort; to spoil the ship for a ha'penny worth of tar (idiom)

好汉不吃眼前亏 好漢不吃眼前虧 hao3 han4 bu4 chi1 yan3 qian2 kui1
a wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him (idiom)

货比三家不吃亏 貨比三家不吃虧 huo4 bi3 san1 jia1 bu4 chi1 kui1
shop around first and you won't get ripped off (idiom)

货问三家不吃亏 貨問三家不吃虧 huo4 wen4 san1 jia1 bu4 chi1 kui1
see 貨比三家不吃虧|货比三家不吃亏

亏本 虧本 kui1 ben3
to make a loss

亏本出售 虧本出售 kui1 ben3 chu1 shou4
to sell at a loss

亏产 虧產 kui1 chan3
a shortfall in production

亏待 虧待 kui1 dai4
to treat sb unfairly

亏得 虧得 kui1 de5
fortunately; luckily; (sarcastic) fancy that, how fortunate!

亏负 虧負 kui1 fu4
deficient; to let sb down; to cause sb suffering

亏格 虧格 kui1 ge2
(math.) genus

亏空 虧空 kui1 kong1
in debt; in the red; in deficit

亏欠 虧欠 kui1 qian4
to fall short of; to have a deficit; deficit; deficiency

亏缺 虧缺 kui1 que1
to be lacking; to fall short of; to wane; deficit; deficient

亏损 虧損 kui1 sun3
deficit; (financial) loss

亏心 虧心 kui1 xin1
a guilty conscience

亏心事 虧心事 kui1 xin1 shi4
shameful deed

亏折 虧折 kui1 zhe2
to make a capital loss

理亏 理虧 li3 kui1
in the wrong

扭亏 扭虧 niu3 kui1
to make good a deficit; to reverse a loss

平生不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊 平生不做虧心事,半夜敲門心不驚 ping2 sheng1 bu4 zuo4 kui1 xin1 shi4 - ban4 ye4 qiao1 men2 xin1 bu4 jing1
He who never wrongs others does not fear the knock in the night.; Rest with a clear conscience.

幸亏 幸虧 xing4 kui1
fortunately; luckily

血亏 血虧 xue4 kui1

哑巴亏 啞巴虧 ya3 ba5 kui1
pent-up unspoken grievances; suffering not willingly or possibly spoken of

盈亏 盈虧 ying2 kui1
profit and loss; waxing and waning

盈亏自负 盈虧自負 ying2 kui1 zi4 fu4
responsible for its profit and losses (of organization); financially autonomous; personal financial responsibility

有亏职守 有虧職守 you3 kui1 zhi2 shou3
(to be guilty of) dereliction of duty

月亏 月虧 yue4 kui1
waning moon; to wane

自负盈亏 自負盈虧 zi4 fu4 ying2 kui1
responsible for its profit and losses (of organization); financially autonomous; personal financial responsibility

自知理亏 自知理虧 zi4 zhi1 li3 kui1
to know that one is in the wrong (idiom)