to bow to one another; to kneel and kowtow to one another; formal kowtow as part of traditional wedding ceremony
交班交班jiao1 ban1
to hand over to the next workshift
交办交辦jiao1 ban4
to assign (a task to sb)
交保交保jiao1 bao3
to post bail; bail
交保释放交保釋放jiao1 bao3 shi4 fang4
to release sb on bail
交杯酒交杯酒jiao1 bei1 jiu3
formal exchange of cups of wine between bride and groom as traditional wedding ceremony
交臂交臂jiao1 bi4
linking arms; arm in arm; very close
交臂失之交臂失之jiao1 bi4 shi1 zhi1
to miss sb by a narrow chance; to miss an opportunity
交变交變jiao1 bian4
half-period of a wave motion; alternation
交变电流交變電流jiao1 bian4 dian4 liu2
alternating current (electricity)
交变流电交變流電jiao1 bian4 liu2 dian4
alternating current; same as 交流電|交流电
交兵交兵jiao1 bing1
in a state of war
交并交併jiao1 bing4
occurring simultaneously
交叉交叉jiao1 cha1
to cross; to intersect; to overlap
交叉点交叉點jiao1 cha1 dian3
junction; crossroads; intersection point
交叉火力交叉火力jiao1 cha1 huo3 li4
交叉口交叉口jiao1 cha1 kou3
(road) intersection
交叉耐药性交叉耐藥性jiao1 cha1 nai4 yao4 xing4
交叉学科交叉學科jiao1 cha1 xue2 ke1
interdisciplinary; interdisciplinary subject (in science)
交叉阴影线交叉陰影線jiao1 cha1 yin1 ying3 xian4
hatched lines; cross-hatched graphic pattern
交叉运球交叉運球jiao1 cha1 yun4 qiu2
crossover dribble (basketball)
交差交差jiao1 chai1
to report back after completion of one's mission
交缠交纏jiao1 chan2
to intertwine; to intermingle
交城交城jiao1 cheng2
Jiaocheng county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁, Shanxi 山西
交城县交城縣jiao1 cheng2 xian4
Jiaocheng county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁, Shanxi 山西
交驰交馳jiao1 chi2
continuously circling one another; to buzz around
交出交出jiao1 chu1
to hand over
交错交錯jiao1 cuo4
to crisscross; to intertwine
交大交大jiao1 da4
Jiaotong University; University of Communications; abbr. of 交通大學|交通大学
交代交代jiao1 dai4
to hand over; to explain; to make clear; to brief (sb); to account for; to justify oneself; to confess; (coll.) to finish
交待交待jiao1 dai4
variant of 交代
交底交底jiao1 di3
to fill sb in (on the details of sth); to put all one's cards on the table
交点交點jiao1 dian3
meeting point; point of intersection
交恶交惡jiao1 e4
to become enemies; to become hostile towards
交锋交鋒jiao1 feng1
to cross swords; to have a confrontation (with sb)
交付交付jiao1 fu4
to hand over; to deliver
交感神经交感神經jiao1 gan3 shen2 jing1
sympathetic nervous system
交割交割jiao1 ge1
delivery (commerce)
交给交給jiao1 gei3
to give; to deliver; to hand over
交媾交媾jiao1 gou4
to have sex; to copulate
交骨交骨jiao1 gu3
pubic bone
交管交管jiao1 guan3
traffic control
交合交合jiao1 he2
to join; to meet; to copulate; sexual intercourse
交互交互jiao1 hu4
mutual; interactive; each other; alternately; in turn; interaction
交欢交歡jiao1 huan1
to have cordial relations with each other; to have sexual intercourse
交还交還jiao1 huan2
to return sth; to hand back
交换交換jiao1 huan4
to exchange; to swap; to switch (telecom); commutative (math); to commute
交换代数交換代數jiao1 huan4 dai4 shu4
(math.) commutative algebra
交换代数学交換代數學jiao1 huan4 dai4 shu4 xue2
(math.) commutative algebra
交换端交換端jiao1 huan4 duan1
switched port
交换机交換機jiao1 huan4 ji1
switch (telecommunications)
交换技术交換技術jiao1 huan4 ji4 shu4
switching technology
交换价值交換價值jiao1 huan4 jia4 zhi2
exchange value
交换律交換律jiao1 huan4 lv4
commutative law xy = yx (math)
交换码交換碼jiao1 huan4 ma3
interchange code; computer coding for characters, including Chinese
交换器交換器jiao1 huan4 qi4
(telecom or network) switch
交换网路交換網路jiao1 huan4 wang3 lu4
switched network
交换虚电路交換虛電路jiao1 huan4 xu1 dian4 lu4
Switched Virtual Circuit; SVC
交换以太网络交換以太網絡jiao1 huan4 yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4
switched Ethernet
交会交會jiao1 hui4
to encounter; to rendezvous; to converge; to meet (a payment)
交汇交彙jiao1 hui4
variant of 交匯|交汇; to flow together; confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads); (international) cooperation
交汇交匯jiao1 hui4
to flow together; confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads); (international) cooperation
交汇处交匯處jiao1 hui4 chu4
confluence (of two rivers); junction (of roads); (transport) interchange
交火交火jiao1 huo3
firefight; shooting
交货交貨jiao1 huo4
to deliver goods
交货期交貨期jiao1 huo4 qi1
delivery time (time between ordering goods and receiving the delivery); date of delivery
交集交集jiao1 ji2
intersection (symbol ∩) (set theory)
交际交際jiao1 ji4
communication; social intercourse
交加交加jiao1 jia1
to occur at the same time (of two things); to be mingled; to accompany each other
交角交角jiao1 jiao3
angle of intersection; angle at which two lines meet
交接交接jiao1 jie1
(of two things) to come into contact; to meet; to hand over to; to take over from; to associate with; to have friendly relations with; to have sexual intercourse
交接班交接班jiao1 jie1 ban1
to change shift
交睫交睫jiao1 jie2
to close one's eyes (i.e. sleep)
交结交結jiao1 jie2
to associate with; to mix with; to connect
交界交界jiao1 jie4
common boundary; common border
交警交警jiao1 jing3
traffic police; abbr. for 交通警察
交九交九jiao1 jiu3
the coldest period of the year; three nine day periods after the winter solstice
交卷交卷jiao1 juan4
to hand in one's examination script
交口交口jiao1 kou3
Jiaokou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁, Shanxi 山西
交口称誉交口稱譽jiao1 kou3 cheng1 yu4
voices unanimous in praise (idiom); with an extensive public reputation
交口县交口縣jiao1 kou3 xian4
Jiaokou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁, Shanxi 山西
交款单交款單jiao1 kuan3 dan1
payment slip
交困交困jiao1 kun4
beset with difficulties
交粮本交糧本jiao1 liang2 ben3
to hand in one's ration cards; to die
交流交流jiao1 liu2
to exchange; exchange; communication; interaction; to have social contact (with sb)
交流电交流電jiao1 liu2 dian4
alternating current
交纳交納jiao1 na4
to pay (taxes or dues)
交配交配jiao1 pei4
mating; copulation (esp. of animals)
交朋友交朋友jiao1 peng2 you5
to make friends; (dialect) to start an affair with sb
交迫交迫jiao1 po4
to be beleaguered
交契交契jiao1 qi4
交钱交錢jiao1 qian2
to pay up; to shell out; to hand over the money to cover sth
交浅言深交淺言深jiao1 qian3 yan2 shen1
to talk intimately while being comparative strangers (idiom)
交情匪浅交情匪淺jiao1 qing2 fei3 qian3
to be very close; to understand each other
交情交情jiao1 qing5
friendship; friendly relations
交融交融jiao1 rong2
to blend; to mix
交涉交涉jiao1 she4
to negotiate; relating to
交手交手jiao1 shou3
to fight hand to hand
交谈交談jiao1 tan2
to discuss; to converse; chat; discussion
交替交替jiao1 ti4
to replace; alternately; in turn
交通交通jiao1 tong1
to be connected; traffic; transportation; communications; liaison
交通标志交通標誌jiao1 tong1 biao1 zhi4
traffic sign
交通部交通部jiao1 tong1 bu4
Ministry of Transport; Transport Department
交通车交通車jiao1 tong1 che1
shuttle bus
交通大学交通大學jiao1 tong1 da4 xue2
abbr. for 上海交通大學|上海交通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 西安交通大學|西安交通大学 Xia'an Jiaotong University, 國立交通大學|国立交通大学 National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan) etc
交通堵塞交通堵塞jiao1 tong1 du3 se4
road congestion; traffic jam
交通费交通費jiao1 tong1 fei4
transport costs
交通工具交通工具jiao1 tong1 gong1 ju4
means of transportation; vehicle
交通管理局交通管理局jiao1 tong1 guan3 li3 ju2
department of transport
交通建设交通建設jiao1 tong1 jian4 she4
transport infrastructure
交通警察交通警察jiao1 tong1 jing3 cha2
traffic police; abbr. to 交警
交通警卫交通警衛jiao1 tong1 jing3 wei4
road traffic policing
交通卡交通卡jiao1 tong1 ka3
public transportation card; prepaid transit card; subway pass
交通枢纽交通樞紐jiao1 tong1 shu1 niu3
traffic hub
交通协管员交通協管員jiao1 tong1 xie2 guan3 yuan2
traffic warden
交通意外交通意外jiao1 tong1 yi4 wai4
traffic accident; car crash
交通银行交通銀行jiao1 tong1 yin2 hang2
Bank of Communications
交通拥挤交通擁擠jiao1 tong1 yong1 ji3
traffic congestion
交通运输部交通運輸部jiao1 tong1 yun4 shu1 bu4
PRC Ministry of Transport (MOT)
交通肇事罪交通肇事罪jiao1 tong1 zhao4 shi4 zui4
culpable driving causing serious damage or injury
交通阻塞交通阻塞jiao1 tong1 zu3 se4
traffic jam
交头接耳交頭接耳jiao1 tou2 jie1 er3
to whisper to one another's ear
交托交托jiao1 tuo1
to entrust
交往交往jiao1 wang3
to associate (with); to have contact (with); to hang out (with); to date; (interpersonal) relationship; association; contact
交尾交尾jiao1 wei3
to copulate (of animals); to mate
交响交響jiao1 xiang3
symphony, symphonic
交响金属交響金屬jiao1 xiang3 jin1 shu3
symphonic metal (pop music); heavy metal with symphonic pretensions
交响曲交響曲jiao1 xiang3 qu3
交响乐交響樂jiao1 xiang3 yue4
交响乐队交響樂隊jiao1 xiang3 yue4 dui4
symphony orchestra
交响乐团交響樂團jiao1 xiang3 yue4 tuan2
symphony orchestra
交卸交卸jiao1 xie4
to hand over to a successor; to relinquish one's office
交谊交誼jiao1 yi4
association; communion; friendship
交易交易jiao1 yi4
(business) transaction; business deal
交易额交易額jiao1 yi4 e2
sum or volume of business transactions; turnover
交易会交易會jiao1 yi4 hui4
trade fair
交易日交易日jiao1 yi4 ri4
working day (in banking, share trading)
交易市场交易市場jiao1 yi4 shi4 chang3
exchange; trading floor
交易所交易所jiao1 yi4 suo3
exchange; stock exchange
交谊舞交誼舞jiao1 yi4 wu3
social dance; ballroom dancing
交易员交易員jiao1 yi4 yuan2
dealer; trader
交易者交易者jiao1 yi4 zhe3
交游交遊jiao1 you2
to have friendly relationships; circle of friends
交友交友jiao1 you3
to make friends
交与交與jiao1 yu3
to hand over
交运交運jiao1 yun4
to meet with luck; to hand over for transportation; to check (one's baggage at an airport etc)
交战交戰jiao1 zhan4
to fight; to wage war
交帐交帳jiao1 zhang4
to settle accounts
交织交織jiao1 zhi1
to interweave
交趾交趾jiao1 zhi3
former southernmost province of the Chinese Empire, now northern Vietnam
缴交繳交jiao3 jiao1
to hand in; to hand over
结交結交jie2 jiao1
to make friends with
金兰之交金蘭之交jin1 lan2 zhi1 jiao1
intimate friendship (idiom)
近亲交配近親交配jin4 qin1 jiao1 pei4
进行交易進行交易jin4 xing2 jiao1 yi4
to carry out a transaction
进行性交進行性交jin4 xing2 xing4 jiao1
to have sex; to have sexual intercourse
旧交舊交jiu4 jiao1
old friend; former acquaintance
绝交絕交jue2 jiao1
to break off relations; to break with sb
军火交易軍火交易jun1 huo3 jiao1 yi4
arms deal
君子之交君子之交jun1 zi3 zhi1 jiao1
friendship between gentlemen, insipid as water (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)
君子之交淡如水君子之交淡如水jun1 zi3 zhi1 jiao1 dan4 ru2 shui3
a gentleman's friendship, insipid as water (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)
开交開交kai1 jiao1
(used with negative) to conclude; (impossible) to end; (can't) finish
Enjo-kōsai or "compensated dating", a practice which originated in Japan where older men give money or luxury gifts to women for their companionship and sexual favors
运交運交yun4 jiao1
to consign; to send (goods to customers); shipping; delivery