
small table

how much; how many; several; a few

strokes 2
strokes after radical 0
巴布亚纽几内亚 巴布亞紐幾內亞 ba1 bu4 ya4 niu3 ji1 nei4 ya4
Papua New Guinea (esp. Taiwan usage)

巴布亚新几内亚 巴布亞新幾內亞 ba1 bu4 ya4 xin1 ji3 nei4 ya4
Papua New Guinea

百几 百幾 bai3 ji3
more than a hundred

不拉几 不拉幾 bu4 la1 ji1
(dialect) extremely

不知凡几 不知凡幾 bu4 zhi1 fan2 ji3
one can't tell how many; numerous similar cases

曾几何时 曾幾何時 ceng2 ji3 he2 shi2
just a while before; not so long ago; everyone can remember when..

茶几 茶几 cha2 ji1
small side table; coffee table; teapoy (ornamental tripod with caddies for tea)

赤道几内亚 赤道幾內亞 chi4 dao4 ji1 nei4 ya4
Equatorial Guinea

窗明几净 窗明几淨 chuang1 ming2 ji1 jing4
lit. clear window and clean table (idiom); fig. bright and clean

代数几何 代數幾何 dai4 shu4 ji3 he2
algebraic geometry

代数几何学 代數幾何學 dai4 shu4 ji3 he2 xue2
algebraic geometry

堆案盈几 堆案盈几 dui1 an4 ying2 ji1
lit. piles of work and papers (idiom); fig. accumulated backlog of work

非欧几何 非歐幾何 fei1 ou1 ji3 he2
non-Euclidean geometry

非欧几何学 非歐幾何學 fei1 ou1 ji3 he2 xue2
non-Euclidean geometry

分形几何 分形幾何 fen1 xing2 ji3 he2
fractal geometry

分形几何学 分形幾何學 fen1 xing2 ji3 he2 xue2
fractal geometry

好几 好幾 hao3 ji3
several; quite a few

好几年 好幾年 hao3 ji3 nian2
several years

画法几何 畫法幾何 hua4 fa3 ji3 he2
descriptive geometry (three-dimensional geometry using projections and elevations)

几案 幾案 ji1 an4
table; long table

几丁 幾丁 ji1 ding1

几丁质 幾丁質 ji1 ding1 zhi4

几乎 幾乎 ji1 hu1
almost; nearly; practically

几乎不 幾乎不 ji1 hu1 bu4
hardly; seems not

几乎完全 幾乎完全 ji1 hu1 wan2 quan2
almost entirely; almost completely

几谏 幾諫 ji1 jian4
to admonish tactfully

几近 幾近 ji1 jin4
to be on the brink of; to be on the verge of

几可乱真 幾可亂真 ji1 ke3 luan4 zhen1
to seem almost genuine; easily mistaken for the real thing

几率 幾率 ji1 lv4
probability; odds

几米 幾米 ji1 mi3
Jimmy Liao (1958-), pen name of 廖福彬, Taiwanese illustrator and picture book writer

几内亚 幾內亞 ji1 nei4 ya4

几内亚比绍 幾內亞比紹 ji1 nei4 ya4 bi3 shao4

几内亚比索 幾內亞比索 ji1 nei4 ya4 bi3 suo3
Guinea-Bissau (Tw)

几微 幾微 ji1 wei1
tiny; infinitesimal

几希 幾希 ji1 xi1
not much; very little (e.g. difference)

几欲 幾欲 ji1 yu4
almost; nearly going to

几至 幾至 ji1 zhi4

极深研几 極深研幾 ji2 shen1 yan2 ji3
deep and detailed investigation (idiom)

几百 幾百 ji3 bai3
several hundred

几倍 幾倍 ji3 bei4
several times (bigger); double, treble, quadruple etc

几次 幾次 ji3 ci4
several times

几次三番 幾次三番 ji3 ci4 san1 fan1
lit. twice then three times (idiom); fig. repeatedly; over and over again

几点 幾點 ji3 dian3
what time?; when?

几点了 幾點了 ji3 dian3 le5
What's the time?

几多 幾多 ji3 duo1
(dialect) how much; how many; how (smart etc); such ...

几分 幾分 ji3 fen1
somewhat; a bit

几个 幾個 ji3 ge5
a few; several; how many

几何 幾何 ji3 he2
geometry; (literary) how much

几何光学 幾何光學 ji3 he2 guang1 xue2
geometric optics

几何级数 幾何級數 ji3 he2 ji2 shu4
geometric series

几何级数增长 幾何級數增長 ji3 he2 ji2 shu4 zeng1 zhang3
exponential increase

几何量 幾何量 ji3 he2 liang4
geometric quantity

几何平均数 幾何平均數 ji3 he2 ping2 jun1 shu4
geometric mean

几何拓扑 幾何拓撲 ji3 he2 tuo4 pu1
(math.) geometric topology

几何拓扑学 幾何拓撲學 ji3 he2 tuo4 pu1 xue2
(math.) geometric topology

几何线 幾何線 ji3 he2 xian4
geometric straight line

几何学 幾何學 ji3 he2 xue2

几何原本 幾何原本 ji3 he2 yuan2 ben3
Euclid's Elements

几进宫 幾進宮 ji3 jin4 gong1
(slang) to have served several sentences; recidivist; old lag

几经 幾經 ji3 jing1
to go through numerous (setbacks, revisions etc)

几内亚湾 幾內亞灣 ji3 nei4 ya4 wan1
Gulf of Guinea

几年 幾年 ji3 nian2
a few years; several years; how many years

几年来 幾年來 ji3 nian2 lai2
for the past several years

几千 幾千 ji3 qian1
several thousand

几时 幾時 ji3 shi2
what time?; when?

几十亿 幾十億 ji3 shi2 yi4
several billion

几岁 幾歲 ji3 sui4
some years; How many years?; How old are you? (familiar, or to child, equivalent to 多大 for older person)

几天 幾天 ji3 tian1
several days

几天来 幾天來 ji3 tian1 lai2
for the past few days

几许 幾許 ji3 xu3
(literary) how many; quite a few

几样 幾樣 ji3 yang4
several kinds

解析几何 解析幾何 jie3 xi1 ji3 he2
analytic geometry; coordinate geometry

解析几何学 解析幾何學 jie3 xi1 ji3 he2 xue2
analytic geometry; coordinate geometry

近几年 近幾年 jin4 ji3 nian2
in recent years

黎曼几何 黎曼幾何 li2 man4 ji3 he2
(math.) Riemannian geometry

黎曼几何学 黎曼幾何學 li2 man4 ji3 he2 xue2
Riemannian geometry

里瓦几亚条约 里瓦幾亞條約 li3 wa3 ji1 ya4 tiao2 yue1
Treaty of Livadia (1879) between Russia and China, relating to territory in Chinese Turkistan, renegotiated in 1881 (Treaty of St. Petersburg)

立体几何 立體幾何 li4 ti3 ji3 he2
solid geometry

寥寥无几 寥寥無幾 liao2 liao2 wu2 ji3
just a very few (idiom); tiny number; not many at all; You count them on your fingers.

罗式几何 羅式幾何 luo2 shi4 ji3 he2
hyperbolic geometry; Lobachevskian geometry

罗氏几何 羅氏幾何 luo2 shi4 ji3 he2
hyperbolic geometry; Lobachevskian geometry

明窗净几 明窗淨几 ming2 chuang1 jing4 ji1
lit. clear window and clean table (idiom); fig. bright and clean (room)

内在几何 內在幾何 nei4 zai4 ji3 he2
intrinsic geometry

内在几何学 內在幾何學 nei4 zai4 ji3 he2 xue2
intrinsic geometry

纽几内亚 紐幾內亞 niu3 ji1 nei4 ya4
New Guinea; Papua-New Guinea

欧几里得 歐幾里得 ou1 ji3 li3 de2
Euclid of Alexandria (c. 300 BC), Greek geometer and author Elements 幾何原本|几何原本

欧几里德 歐幾里德 ou1 ji3 li3 de2
Euclid of Alexandria (c. 300 BC), Greek geometer and author of Elements 幾何原本|几何原本

欧式几何 歐式幾何 ou1 shi4 ji3 he2
Euclidean geometry

欧式几何学 歐式幾何學 ou1 shi4 ji3 he2 xue2
Euclidean geometry

欧氏几何学 歐氏幾何學 ou1 shi4 ji3 he2 xue2
Euclidean geometry

平面几何 平面幾何 ping2 mian4 ji3 he2
plane geometry

前几天 前幾天 qian2 ji3 tian1
a few days before

球面几何 球面幾何 qiu2 mian4 ji3 he2
spherical geometry

射影几何 射影幾何 she4 ying3 ji3 he2
projective geometry

射影几何学 射影幾何學 she4 ying3 ji3 he2 xue2
projective geometry

十几 十幾 shi2 ji3
more than ten; a dozen or more

十几个月 十幾個月 shi2 ji3 ge4 yue4
ten months or so; about ten months

识微见几 識微見幾 shi2 wei1 jian4 ji3
lit. see a tiny bit and understand everything (idiom)

庶几 庶幾 shu4 ji1
similar; almost; if only; maybe

双曲几何 雙曲幾何 shuang1 qu1 ji3 he2
hyperbolic geometry

算老几 算老幾 suan4 lao3 ji3
(coll.) (I, you etc) have what status; who am I (you etc)

所剩无几 所剩無幾 suo3 sheng4 wu2 ji3
there is not much left

条几 條幾 tiao2 ji1
long narrow table

投影几何 投影幾何 tou2 ying3 ji3 he2
projective geometry; same as 射影幾何|射影几何

投影几何学 投影幾何學 tou2 ying3 ji3 he2 xue2
projective geometry; same as 射影幾何學|射影几何学

微分几何 微分幾何 wei1 fen1 ji3 he2
differential geometry

微分几何学 微分幾何學 wei1 fen1 ji3 he2 xue2
differential geometry

未几 未幾 wei4 ji3
soon; before long

无几 無幾 wu2 ji3
very little; hardly any

香几 香几 xiang1 ji1
a small table to accommodate an incense burner

新几内亚 新幾內亞 xin1 ji3 nei4 ya4
New Guinea

星期几 星期幾 xing1 qi1 ji3
which day of the week

一蹴可几 一蹴可幾 yi1 cu4 ke3 ji3
to succeed at the first try (idiom); easy as pie; one can do it at once

这几天 這幾天 zhe4 ji3 tian1
the past few days

最近几年 最近幾年 zui4 jin4 ji3 nian2
the last few years; last several years; recent years