triumphant; victorious; chi (Greek letter Χχ)

surname Kai

strokes 8
strokes after radical 6
比什凯克 比什凱克 bi3 shi2 kai3 ke4
Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan

陈凯歌 陳凱歌 chen2 kai3 ge1
Chen Kaige (1952-), Chinese movie director

钓凯子 釣凱子 diao4 kai3 zi5
(slang) (of women) to hunt for rich, attractive guys

海伦·凯勒 海倫·凱勒 hai3 lun2 - kai3 le1
Helen Keller (1880-1968), famous American deaf-blind author and activist (whose story is told in biopic The Miracle Worker)

凯彻 凱徹 kai3 che4
variant of 愷撒|恺撒, Caesar (emperor)

凯达格兰 凱達格蘭 kai3 da2 ge2 lan2
Ketagalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, esp. northeast corner

凯达格兰族 凱達格蘭族 kai3 da2 ge2 lan2 zu2
Ketagalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, esp. northeast corner

凯迪拉克 凱迪拉克 kai3 di2 la1 ke4

凯蒂 凱蒂 kai3 di4
Kitty (name)

凯蒂猫 凱蒂貓 kai3 di4 mao1
Hello Kitty

凯恩斯 凱恩斯 kai3 en1 si1
Keynes (name); John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), influential British economist

凯尔特人 凱爾特人 kai3 er3 te4 ren2

凯法劳尼亚 凱法勞尼亞 kai3 fa3 lao2 ni2 ya4
Kefalonia, Greek Island in the Ionian sea

凯夫拉 凱夫拉 kai3 fu1 la1

凯芙拉 凱芙拉 kai3 fu2 la1

凯歌 凱歌 kai3 ge1
triumphal hymn; victory song; paean

凯里 凱里 kai3 li3
Kaili city in Guizhou, capital of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南苗族侗族自治州|黔东南苗族侗族自治州

凯里市 凱里市 kai3 li3 shi4
Kaili city in Guizhou, capital of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南苗族侗族自治州|黔东南苗族侗族自治州

凯利 凱利 kai3 li4
Kelly (person name)

凯林赛 凱林賽 kai3 lin2 sai4
keirin cycle race (paced stadium event); translit. of Japanese けいりん 競輪|竞轮

凯尼恩 凱尼恩 kai3 ni2 en1
Kenyon; Canyon (name)

凯撒 凱撒 kai3 sa1
Caesar or Kaiser (name)

凯撒酱 凱撒醬 kai3 sa1 jiang4
Caesar salad dressing

凯撒肋雅 凱撒肋雅 kai3 sa1 lei4 ya3
Caesarea (town in Israel, between Tel Aviv and Haifa)

凯瑟琳 凱瑟琳 kai3 se4 lin2
Catherine (name); Katherine

凯特 凱特 kai3 te4
Kate (name)

凯文 凱文 kai3 wen2
Kevin (person name)

凯茜·弗里曼 凱茜·弗里曼 kai3 xi1 - fu2 li3 man4
Cathy Freeman (1973-), Australian sprinter

凯旋 凱旋 kai3 xuan2
to return in triumph; to return victorious

凯旋门 凱旋門 kai3 xuan2 men2
triumphal arch

凯悦 凱悅 kai3 yue4
Hyatt (hotel company); Hyatt Regency (hotel brand)

凯子 凱子 kai3 zi5
(slang) rich, good-looking guy

鲁凯族 魯凱族 lu3 kai3 zu2
Rukai, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan

麦凯恩 麥凱恩 mai4 kai3 en1
McCain (name); John McCain (1936-), US Republican politician, Senator for Arizona from 1987

迈凯轮 邁凱輪 mai4 kai3 lun2
McLaren; MacLaren

麦凯斯菱 麥凱斯菱 mai4 kai3 si1 ling2
rhombus of Michaelis (anatomy)

迈凯伊 邁凱伊 mai4 kai3 yi1
McKay or Mackay (name)

米凯拉 米凱拉 mi3 kai3 la1
Michaela (name)

皮特凯恩群岛 皮特凱恩群島 pi2 te4 kai3 en1 qun2 dao3
Pitcairn Islands

圣凯瑟琳 聖凱瑟琳 sheng4 kai3 se4 lin2
Saint Catherine

特克斯和凯科斯群岛 特克斯和凱科斯群島 te4 ke4 si1 he2 kai3 ke1 si1 qun2 dao3
Turks and Caicos Islands

兴凯刺鳑鲏 興凱刺鰟鮍 xing1 kai3 ci4 pang2 pi2
Acanthorhodeus chankaensis (small carp)

袁世凯 袁世凱 yuan2 shi4 kai3
Yuan Shikai (1859-1916), senior general of late Qing, subsequently warlord and self-proclaimed emperor of China