to divide; to separate; to distribute; to allocate; to distinguish (good and bad); part or subdivision; fraction; one tenth (of certain units); unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm; minute; a point (in sports or games); 0.01 yuan (unit of money)
when the enemies come face to face, their eyes blaze with hatred (idiom)
处分處分chu3 fen4
to discipline sb; to punish; disciplinary action; to deal with (a matter)
触地得分觸地得分chu4 di4 de2 fen1
to score a try (sports); to score a touchdown
垂悬分词垂懸分詞chui2 xuan2 fen1 ci2
hanging participle (error of grammar in English)
春分春分chun1 fen1
Chunfen or Spring Equinox, 4th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 21st March-4th April
春分点春分點chun1 fen1 dian3
the spring equinox
词汇分解詞彙分解ci2 hui4 fen1 jie3
lexical decomposition
打分打分da3 fen1
to grade; to give a mark
大部分大部分da4 bu4 fen5
in large part; the greater part; the majority
大分界岭大分界嶺da4 fen1 jie4 ling3
Great Dividing Range, mountain range along the east coast of Australia
大分县大分縣da4 fen1 xian4
Ōita prefecture, Japan
大分子大分子da4 fen1 zi3
macromolecule (chemistry)
带分数帶分數dai4 fen1 shu4
mixed fraction; mixed number (i.e. with an integer part and a fraction part, e.g. four and three quarters); see also: improper fraction 假分數|假分数 and proper fraction 真分數|真分数
档案分配区檔案分配區dang4 an4 fen1 pei4 qu1
file allocation table; FAT
得分得分de2 fen1
to score
等分等分deng3 fen1
division into equal parts; equipartition
低分低分di1 fen1
low marks; low score
敌特分子敵特份子di2 te4 fen4 zi3
enemy agents in our midst; reds under the beds
颠覆分子顛覆份子dian1 fu4 fen4 zi3
wrecker; saboteur
定分定分ding4 fen4
predestination; one's lot (of good and bad fortune)
定量分块定量分塊ding4 liang4 fen1 kuai4
定量分析定量分析ding4 liang4 fen1 xi1
quantitative analysis
定性分析定性分析ding4 xing4 fen1 xi1
qualitative inorganic analysis
动物分类動物分類dong4 wu4 fen1 lei4
taxonomy; classification of animals
动植物分类動植物分類dong4 zhi2 wu4 fen1 lei4
多层次分析模型多層次分析模型duo1 ceng2 ci4 fen1 xi1 mo2 xing2
multilevel analysis model
多水分多水分duo1 shui3 fen4
二分二分er4 fen1
second part; the equinox
二分点二分點er4 fen1 dian3
the two equinoxes
二分裂二分裂er4 fen1 lie4
binary division (in bacterial reproduction)
二分音符二分音符er4 fen1 yin1 fu2
minim (music)
二分之一二分之一er4 fen1 zhi1 yi1
one half
反动分子反動份子fan3 dong4 fen4 zi3
reactionaries; reactionary elements
反分裂法反分裂法fan3 fen1 lie4 fa3
anti-secession law of 2005 (whereby PRC claims the right to invade Taiwan)
反叛分子反叛份子fan3 pan4 fen4 zi3
insurgent; rebel
泛函分析泛函分析fan4 han2 fen1 xi1
(math.) functional analysis
非分非分fei1 fen4
improper; presumptuous; assuming; overstepping one's bounds; also written 非份
非分之念非分之念fei1 fen4 zhi1 nian4
improper idea
分班分班fen1 ban1
to divide people into groups, teams, squads etc
分包分包fen1 bao1
to subcontract
分贝分貝fen1 bei4
分崩离析分崩離析fen1 beng1 li2 xi1
to collapse and fall apart (idiom); to break up; falling to pieces
分辨分辨fen1 bian4
to distinguish; to differentiate; to resolve
分辩分辯fen1 bian4
to explain the facts; to defend against an accusation
分辨率分辨率fen1 bian4 lv4
resolution (of images, monitors, scanners etc)
分别分別fen1 bie2
to part or leave each other; to distinguish; difference; in different ways; differently; separately or individually
分波多工分波多工fen1 bo1 duo1 gong1
wavelength division multiplexing; WDM
分布分佈fen1 bu4
to scatter; to distribute; to be distributed (over an area etc); (statistical, geographic) distribution
分部分部fen1 bu4
branch; subsection; to subdivide
分布控制分佈控制fen1 bu4 kong4 zhi4
distributed control
分布式分佈式fen1 bu4 shi4
分布式环境分佈式環境fen1 bu4 shi4 huan2 jing4
distributed environment (computing)
分布式结构分佈式結構fen1 bu4 shi4 jie2 gou4
distributed architecture
分布式拒绝服务分佈式拒絕服務fen1 bu4 shi4 ju4 jue2 fu2 wu4
distributed denial of service (DDOS) form of Internet attack
分布式网络分佈式網絡fen1 bu4 shi4 wang3 luo4
distributed network
分布图分佈圖fen1 bu4 tu2
scatter diagram; distribution chart; histogram
分布图分布圖fen1 bu4 tu2
scatter diagram; distribution chart; histogram
分步骤分步驟fen1 bu4 zhou4
step by step; one step at a time
分餐分餐fen1 can1
separate meals; to eat individual meals (rather than taking one's food from plates served to everyone at the table)
peer competition; to function as rivals; to make claims as an equal
分头分頭fen1 tou2
separately; severally; parted hair
分头路分頭路fen1 tou2 lu4
part (in one's hair)
分瓦分瓦fen1 wa3
分为分為fen1 wei2
to divide sth into (parts); to subdivide
分文分文fen1 wen2
a single penny; a single cent
分文不取分文不取fen1 wen2 bu4 qu3
to give for free
分析分析fen1 xi1
to analyze; analysis
分析处理分析處理fen1 xi1 chu3 li3
to parse; analysis processing; to analyze and treat
分析法分析法fen1 xi1 fa3
the analytic method; analytic reasoning
分析化学分析化學fen1 xi1 hua4 xue2
analytical chemistry
分析家分析家fen1 xi1 jia1
(political) analyst
分析器分析器fen1 xi1 qi4
分析人士分析人士fen1 xi1 ren2 shi4
analyst; expert
分析师分析師fen1 xi1 shi1
analyst; commentator
分析心理学分析心理學fen1 xi1 xin1 li3 xue2
analytical psychology; Jungian psychology
分析学分析學fen1 xi1 xue2
mathematical analysis; calculus
分析研究分析研究fen1 xi1 yan2 jiu1
analysis; research
分析语分析語fen1 xi1 yu3
analytic language
分析员分析員fen1 xi1 yuan2
analyst (e.g. of news)
分系统分系統fen1 xi4 tong3
分享分享fen1 xiang3
to share (let others have some of sth good)
分相分相fen1 xiang4
split phase (elec.)
分项分項fen1 xiang4
sub-item (of program)
分销分銷fen1 xiao1
distribution; retail store
分销店分銷店fen1 xiao1 dian4
retail store
分销商分銷商fen1 xiao1 shang1
分销网络分銷網絡fen1 xiao1 wang3 luo4
distribution network
分晓分曉fen1 xiao3
the result (becomes apparent); now one understands
分校分校fen1 xiao4
branch of a school
分心分心fen1 xin1
to distract
分星掰两分星掰兩fen1 xing1 bai1 liang3
punctilious; clear and detailed
分形分形fen1 xing2
分形几何分形幾何fen1 xing2 ji3 he2
fractal geometry
分形几何学分形幾何學fen1 xing2 ji3 he2 xue2
fractal geometry
分巡兵备道分巡兵備道fen1 xun2 bing1 bei4 dao4
Qing Dynasty General Supervisory and Military Command
分野分野fen1 ye3
dividing line between distinct realms; boundary; field-allocation (in Chinese astrology, the association between celestial regions and corresponding terrestrial realms)
分页分頁fen1 ye4
tab window (in a web browser etc); paging; pagination; page break (computing)
分宜分宜fen1 yi2
Fenyi county in Xinyu 新餘|新余, Jiangxi
分宜县分宜縣fen1 yi2 xian4
Fenyi county in Xinyu 新餘|新余, Jiangxi
分异分異fen1 yi4
distinction; differentiation
分音符分音符fen1 yin1 fu2
dieresis; umlaut; diacritical mark separating two adjacent syllables
分忧分憂fen1 you1
to share tribulations; to help sb with worries and difficulties
分赃分贓fen1 zang1
to share the booty; to divide ill-gotten gains
分灶吃饭分竈吃飯fen1 zao4 chi1 fan4
"meals prepared at separate stoves", slogan of the program of fiscal decentralization that began in the 1980s in the PRC
分站分站fen1 zhan4
分账分賬fen1 zhang4
to share profits (or debt)
分针分針fen1 zhen1
minute hand (of a clock)
分争分爭fen1 zheng1
to dispute; to struggle for mastery
分支分支fen1 zhi1
branch (of company, river etc); to branch; to diverge; to ramify; to subdivide
分之分之fen1 zhi1
(indicating a fraction)
分枝分枝fen1 zhi1
分治分治fen1 zhi4
separate government; partition
分至点分至點fen1 zhi4 dian3
common word for equinox and solstice; point of difference; point of divergence
分钟分鐘fen1 zhong1
分装分裝fen1 zhuang1
to divide into portions; to package in smaller quantities; to separate into loads
分装机分裝機fen1 zhuang1 ji1
racking machine; filling machine
分子分子fen1 zi3
molecule; (math) numerator of a fraction
分子化合物分子化合物fen1 zi3 hua4 he2 wu4
molecular biology
分子量分子量fen1 zi3 liang4
molecular mass
分子料理分子料理fen1 zi3 liao4 li3
molecular gastronomy
分子筛分子篩fen1 zi3 shai1
molecular sieve
分子生物学分子生物學fen1 zi3 sheng1 wu4 xue2
molecular biology
分子式分子式fen1 zi3 shi4
molecular formula
分子医学分子醫學fen1 zi3 yi1 xue2
molecular medicine
分子遗传学分子遺傳學fen1 zi3 yi2 chuan2 xue2
molecular genetics
分子杂交分子雜交fen1 zi3 za2 jiao1
molecular hybridization
分组分組fen1 zu3
to divide into groups; subgroup
分组交换分組交換fen1 zu3 jiao1 huan4
packet switching
分拆分拆fen4 chai1
to separate off; to hive off; a demerger
分当分當fen4 dang1
as should be; as expected
分量分量fen4 liang5
quantity; weight; measure
分内分內fen4 nei4
one's job or duty; within one's remit
分外分外fen4 wai4
exceptionally; not one's responsibility or job
分子份子fen4 zi3
members of a class or group; political elements (such as intellectuals or extremists); part
福分福分fu2 fen5
one's happy lot; good fortune
辐射分解輻射分解fu2 she4 fen1 jie3
负分負分fu4 fen1
negative score; minus (in grades, such as A-)
复分解反应復分解反應fu4 fen1 jie3 fan3 ying4
metathesis (chemistry)
高分高分gao1 fen1
high marks; high score
高分辨率高分辨率gao1 fen1 bian4 lv4
high resolution
高分低能高分低能gao1 fen1 di1 neng2
high in score but low in ability (as a result of teaching to the test)
高分子高分子gao1 fen1 zi3
macromolecule; polymer
高分子化学高分子化學gao1 fen1 zi3 hua4 xue2
polymer chemistry
隔军事分界线隔軍事分界線ge2 jun1 shi4 fen1 jie4 xian4
military demarcation line MDL; refers to Korean demilitarized zone DMZ
公分公分gong1 fen1
centimeter; gram
工分工分gong1 fen1
work point (measure of work completed in a rural commune in the PRC during the planned economy era)
one divides into two; to be two-sided; there are two sides to everything; to see both sb's good points and shortcomings (idiom)
一分一毫一分一毫yi1 fen1 yi1 hao2
a tiny bit (idiom); an iota
一小部分一小部分yi1 xiao3 bu4 fen4
a small part; a small section
医药分离醫藥分離yi1 yao4 fen1 li2
separating medical consultation from dispensing drugs, proposed policy to counteract perceived PRC problem of "drugs serving to nourish doctors" 以藥養醫|以药养医
已见分晓已見分曉yi3 jian4 fen1 xiao3
the result becomes apparent; (after) the dust has settled
异议分子異議份子yi4 yi4 fen4 zi3
dissidents; dissenting faction
因式分解因式分解yin1 shi4 fen1 jie3
应分應分ying1 fen4
should be divided; part of the job; one's duty under the circumstances
有机分子有機分子you3 ji1 fen1 zi3
organic molecule
酉牌时分酉牌時分you3 pai2 shi2 fen1
5-7 pm
有丝分裂有絲分裂you3 si1 fen1 lie4
有缘无分有緣無分you3 yuan2 wu2 fen4
destined to meet but not fated to be together (idiom)
诱导分娩誘導分娩you4 dao3 fen1 mian3
to induce labor (i.e. childbirth); labor induction
右派分子右派份子you4 pai4 fen4 zi3
rightist elements
语义分类語義分類yu3 yi4 fen1 lei4
semantic categorization
语义分析語義分析yu3 yi4 fen1 xi1
semantic analysis
缘分緣分yuan2 fen4
fate or chance that brings people together; predestined affinity or relationship; (Budd.) destiny
约分約分yue1 fen1
reduced fraction (e.g. one half for three sixths); to reduce a fraction by canceling common factors in the numerator and denominator
月分月分yue4 fen4
month; also written 月份
真分数真分數zhen1 fen1 shu4
proper fraction (with numerator < denominator, e.g. five sevenths); see also: improper fraction 假分數|假分数 and mixed number 帶分數|带分数
争分夺秒爭分奪秒zheng1 fen1 duo2 miao3
lit. fight minutes, snatch seconds (idiom); a race against time; making every second count
正态分布正態分布zheng4 tai4 fen1 bu4
(math.) normal distribution; Gaussian distribution
知识分子知識分子zhi1 shi5 fen4 zi3
intellectual; intelligentsia; learned person
职分職分zhi2 fen4
植物化学成分植物化學成分zhi2 wu4 hua4 xue2 cheng2 fen4
中央分车带中央分車帶zhong1 yang1 fen1 che1 dai4
median strip; central reservation (on a divided road)