to split the bill (where the male counterpart foots the larger portion of the sum); (theater) a system where two actors take turns in acting the main role, with one actor replacing the other if either is unavailable
八级工资制八級工資制ba1 ji2 gong1 zi1 zhi4
eight grade wage scale (system)
八进制八進制ba1 jin4 zhi4
八旗制度八旗制度ba1 qi2 zhi4 du4
Eight Banners system, the military and social organization of the Manchus between c. 1500 and 1911
八小时工作制八小時工作制ba1 xiao3 shi2 gong1 zuo4 zhi4
eight-hour working day
百分制百分制bai3 fen1 zhi4
hundred mark system
半保留复制半保留複製ban4 bao3 liu2 fu4 zhi4
semiconservative replication
半日制学校半日制學校ban4 ri4 zhi4 xue2 xiao4
half-day (or double-shift) school
包产到户制包產到戶制bao1 chan3 dao4 hu4 zhi4
system of quotas for farm output per household
包承制包承制bao1 cheng2 zhi4
responsible crew system
包乘制包乘制bao1 cheng2 zhi4
chartering system
包待制包待制bao1 dai4 zhi4
Bao Daizhi, "Edict Attendant Bao", fictional name used for Bao Zheng 包拯 (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty
包干制包乾制bao1 gan1 zhi4
a system of payment partly in kind and partly in cash
保持克制保持克制bao3 chi2 ke4 zhi4
to exercise restraint
保甲制度保甲制度bao3 jia3 zhi4 du4
the Bao-Jia system (an administrative system organized on basis of households)
rural household contract responsibility system, PRC government policy linking rural income to productivity
奴隶制奴隸制nu2 li4 zhi4
奴隶制度奴隸制度nu2 li4 zhi4 du4
炮制炮製pao2 zhi4
to concoct; to invent; to fabricate; to produce; to process; processing and curing (Chinese medicine)
泡制泡制pao4 zhi4
to brew; to infuse; to pickle
配制配製pei4 zhi4
to compound (medicines etc); to prepare (by mixing ingredients); to concoct
皮制品皮製品pi2 zhi4 pin3
leather goods
频率调制頻率調制pin2 lv4 tiao2 zhi4
frequency modulation
气动控制氣動控制qi4 dong4 kong4 zhi4
air operated
牵制牽制qian1 zhi4
to control; to curb; to restrict; to impede; to pin down (enemy troops)
钳制鉗制qian2 zhi4
to suppress; to muzzle; to gag
强制強制qiang2 zhi4
to enforce; enforcement; forcibly; compulsory
全日制全日制quan2 ri4 zhi4
full-time (schooling, work etc)
揉制揉制rou2 zhi4
to knead (leather)
鞣制鞣製rou2 zhi4
to tan (leather); tanning
如法炮制如法炮製ru2 fa3 pao2 zhi4
lit. to follow the recipe (idiom); fig. to follow a set pattern
如法泡制如法泡製ru2 fa3 pao4 zhi4
lit. to follow the recipe (idiom); to follow the same plan
乳制品乳製品ru3 zhi4 pin3
dairy products
烧制燒製shao1 zhi4
to fire (in a kiln)
摄制攝製she4 zhi4
to produce (a TV show etc)
砷制剂砷製劑shen1 zhi4 ji4
审级制度審級制度shen3 ji2 zhi4 du4
system of appeals (to higher court)
生物制剂生物製劑sheng1 wu4 zhi4 ji4
biological product
生物制品生物製品sheng1 wu4 zhi4 pin3
biological product
师夷长技以制夷師夷長技以制夷shi1 yi2 chang2 ji4 yi3 zhi4 yi2
"learn from the foreigners in order to gain command of them", idea advocated by Wei Yuan 魏源
十进制十進制shi2 jin4 zhi4
十六进制十六進制shi2 liu4 jin4 zhi4
实名制實名制shi2 ming2 zhi4
system for identifying users (on a rail network, the Internet etc)
试制試製shi4 zhi4
to try out a new product (or manufacturing process); prototype; trial product
市制市制shi4 zhi4
Chinese units of measurement
守制守制shou3 zhi4
to go into mourning for one's parents
受制受制shou4 zhi4
controlled (by sb); to suffer under a yoke
税制稅制shui4 zhi4
tax system
私有制私有制si1 you3 zhi4
private ownership of property
所有制所有制suo3 you3 zhi4
ownership of the means of production (in Marxism); system of ownership
谈判制度談判制度tan2 pan4 zhi4 du4
collective bargaining system
特制特制te4 zhi4
special; unique
提制提製ti2 zhi4
to refine; to extract
体制體制ti3 zhi4
system; organization
调制調制tiao2 zhi4
to modulate; modulation
调制調製tiao2 zhi4
to concoct by mixing ingredients; to prepare according to a recipe; to make (a salad, a cocktail, cosmetics etc)
调制波調制波tiao2 zhi4 bo1
modulated wave (elec.)
调制解调器調制解調器tiao2 zhi4 jie3 tiao2 qi4
停板制度停板制度ting2 ban3 zhi4 du4
system of circuit breakers; limit up, limit down system (finance)
统制統制tong3 zhi4
to control
土制土製tu3 zhi4
homemade; earthen
退休金双轨制退休金雙軌制tui4 xiu1 jin1 shuang1 gui3 zhi4
see 養老金雙軌制|养老金双轨制
无限制無限制wu2 xian4 zhi4
limitless; unrestricted
希格斯机制希格斯機制xi1 ge2 si1 ji1 zhi4
the Higgs mechanism, explaining the mass of elementary particles in the Standard Model
辖制轄制xia2 zhi4
to control
夏时制夏時制xia4 shi2 zhi4
daylight saving time
先发制人先發制人xian1 fa1 zhi4 ren2
to gain the initiative by striking first (idiom); to preempt; to anticipate; preemptive
限制限制xian4 zhi4
to restrict; to limit; to confine; restriction; limit
限制酶限制酶xian4 zhi4 mei2
restriction enzyme
限制酶图谱限制酶圖譜xian4 zhi4 mei2 tu2 pu3
restriction mapping (in genomics); restriction pattern
挟制挾製xie2 zhi4
forced submission; to exploit advantage to force sb to do one's bidding
形制形制xing2 zhi4
form; shape; structure; design
学分制學分制xue2 fen1 zhi4
credit system; grading system (in schools, universities etc)
学制學制xue2 zhi4
educational system; length of schooling
血制品血製品xue4 zhi4 pin3
blood products
熏制熏制xun1 zhi4
to smoke; to cure over a fire
压制壓制ya1 zhi4
to suppress; to inhibit; to stifle
牙机巧制牙機巧制ya2 ji1 qiao3 zhi4
ingenious gear machine; elaborate contraption
腌制腌製yan1 zhi4
marinated; to make by pickling, salting or curing
研制研製yan2 zhi4
to manufacture; to develop
研制过程研製過程yan2 zhi4 guo4 cheng2
manufacturing environment
养老金双轨制養老金雙軌制yang3 lao3 jin1 shuang1 gui3 zhi4
dual pension scheme (PRC)
一党专制一黨專制yi1 dang3 zhuan1 zhi4
one party dictatorship
一国两制一國兩制yi1 guo2 liang3 zhi4
one country, two systems (PRC proposal regarding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)
一妻制一妻制yi1 qi1 zhi4
一胎制一胎制yi1 tai1 zhi4
the one-child policy
以暴制暴以暴制暴yi3 bao4 zhi4 bao4
to use violence to curb violence
以华制华以華制華yi3 hua2 zhi4 hua2
use Chinese collaborators to subdue the Chinese (imperialist policy)
以夷制夷以夷制夷yi3 yi2 zhi4 yi2
to use foreigners to subdue foreigners (idiom); let the barbarians fight it out among themselves (traditional policy of successive dynasties); Use Western science and technology to counter imperialist encroachment. (late Qing modernizing slogan)
议会制議會制yi4 hui4 zhi4
parliamentary system
抑制抑制yi4 zhi4
to inhibit; to keep down; to suppress
抑制剂抑制劑yi4 zhi4 ji4
suppressant; inhibitor
抑制酶抑制酶yi4 zhi4 mei2
inhibiting enzyme
抑制作用抑制作用yi4 zhi4 zuo4 yong4
因地制宜因地制宜yin1 di4 zhi4 yi2
(idiom) to use methods in line with local circumstances
因时制宜因時制宜yin1 shi2 zhi4 yi2
(idiom) to use methods appropriate to the current situation
银本位制銀本位制yin2 ben3 wei4 zhi4
Silver Standard (monetary standard)
银制銀製yin2 zhi4
made of silver
印制印製yin4 zhi4
to print; to produce (a publication)
印制电路印製電路yin4 zhi4 dian4 lu4
printed circuit
印制电路板印製電路板yin4 zhi4 dian4 lu4 ban3
printed circuit board
应制應制ying4 zhi4
to write a poem on the order of the Emperor
有编制有編制you3 bian1 zhi4
having a permanent post; part of the official staff
有节制有節制you3 jie2 zhi4
预制預製yu4 zhi4
prefabricated; precut; to prefabricate
约制約制yue1 zhi4
to bind; to restrict; to constrain
宰制宰制zai3 zhi4
to rule; to dominate
再生制动再生制動zai4 sheng1 zhi4 dong4
regenerative braking
再制再製zai4 zhi4
to make more of the same thing; to reproduce; to reprocess; to remanufacture
再制盐再製鹽zai4 zhi4 yan2
refined salt
再制纸再製紙zai4 zhi4 zhi3
recycled paper
责任制責任制ze2 ren4 zhi4
system of job responsibility
轧制軋製zha2 zhi4
rolling steel
沾染控制沾染控制zhan1 ran3 kong4 zhi4
contamination control
涨跌幅限制漲跌幅限制zhang3 die1 fu2 xian4 zhi4
limit up, limit down; limit on daily price variation
震源机制震源機制zhen4 yuan2 ji1 zhi4
focal mechanism of earthquake
政治体制政治體制zheng4 zhi4 ti3 zhi4
form of government
制版製版zhi4 ban3
to make a plate (printing)
制备製備zhi4 bei4
to prepare; preparation (chemistry)
制表製表zhi4 biao3
to tabulate; tabulation; scheduling; watchmaking
制裁制裁zhi4 cai2
to punish; punishment; sanctions (incl. economic)
制成製成zhi4 cheng2
to manufacture; to turn out (a product)
制程製程zhi4 cheng2
manufacturing process; processing
制成品制成品zhi4 cheng2 pin3
manufactured goods; finished product
制导制導zhi4 dao3
to control (the course of sth); to guide (a missile)
制定制定zhi4 ding4
to draw up; to formulate
制订制訂zhi4 ding4
to work out; to formulate
制动制動zhi4 dong4
to brake
制动器制動器zhi4 dong4 qi4
制动踏板制動踏板zhi4 dong4 ta4 ban3
brake pedal
制度制度zhi4 du4
system (e.g. political, adminstrative etc); institution
制度化制度化zhi4 du4 hua4
制伏制伏zhi4 fu2
to overpower; to overwhelm; to subdue; to check; to control
制服制服zhi4 fu2
to subdue; to check; to bring under control; (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status; uniform (army, party, school etc); livery (for company employees)
制服呢制服呢zhi4 fu2 ni2
tweed cloth (used for military uniforms etc)
制衡制衡zhi4 heng2
to check and balance (power); checks and balances
制剂製劑zhi4 ji4
(chemical or pharmaceutical) preparation
制假製假zhi4 jia3
to counterfeit; to manufacture counterfeit goods
制件製件zhi4 jian4
制冷制冷zhi4 leng3
制片製片zhi4 pian4
制片人製片人zhi4 pian4 ren2
moviemaker; filmmaker; producer
制品製品zhi4 pin3
products; goods
制钱制錢zhi4 qian2
copper coin of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
制式制式zhi4 shi4
standardized; standard (service, method etc); regulation (clothing etc); formulaic; (telecommunications etc) system; format (e.g. the PAL or NTSC systems for TV signals)