system; to control; to regulate; variant of 製|制

to manufacture; to make

strokes 8
strokes after radical 6
AA制 AA制 - - zhi4
to split the bill; to go Dutch

AB制 AB制 - - zhi4
to split the bill (where the male counterpart foots the larger portion of the sum); (theater) a system where two actors take turns in acting the main role, with one actor replacing the other if either is unavailable

八级工资制 八級工資制 ba1 ji2 gong1 zi1 zhi4
eight grade wage scale (system)

八进制 八進制 ba1 jin4 zhi4

八旗制度 八旗制度 ba1 qi2 zhi4 du4
Eight Banners system, the military and social organization of the Manchus between c. 1500 and 1911

八小时工作制 八小時工作制 ba1 xiao3 shi2 gong1 zuo4 zhi4
eight-hour working day

百分制 百分制 bai3 fen1 zhi4
hundred mark system

半保留复制 半保留複製 ban4 bao3 liu2 fu4 zhi4
semiconservative replication

半日制学校 半日制學校 ban4 ri4 zhi4 xue2 xiao4
half-day (or double-shift) school

包产到户制 包產到戶制 bao1 chan3 dao4 hu4 zhi4
system of quotas for farm output per household

包承制 包承制 bao1 cheng2 zhi4
responsible crew system

包乘制 包乘制 bao1 cheng2 zhi4
chartering system

包待制 包待制 bao1 dai4 zhi4
Bao Daizhi, "Edict Attendant Bao", fictional name used for Bao Zheng 包拯 (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty

包干制 包乾制 bao1 gan1 zhi4
a system of payment partly in kind and partly in cash

保持克制 保持克制 bao3 chi2 ke4 zhi4
to exercise restraint

保甲制度 保甲制度 bao3 jia3 zhi4 du4
the Bao-Jia system (an administrative system organized on basis of households)

北京汽车制造厂有限公司 北京汽車製造廠有限公司 bei3 jing1 qi4 che1 zhi4 zao4 chang3 you3 xian4 gong1 si1
Beijing Automobile Works (BAW)

本位制 本位制 ben3 wei4 zhi4
monetary standard

币制 幣制 bi4 zhi4
currency system

编制 編制 bian1 zhi4
to establish (a unit or department); staffing structure (excluding temporary and casual staff)

编制 編製 bian1 zhi4
to weave; to plait; to compile; to put together (a lesson plan, budget etc)

兵制 兵制 bing1 zhi4
military system

步进制 步進制 bu4 jin4 zhi4
step by step system

裁制 裁製 cai2 zhi4
to tailor; to make clothes

采制 採制 cai3 zhi4
collect and process

产制 產製 chan3 zhi4
production; manufacture

常衡制 常衡制 chang2 heng2 zhi4
Avoirdupois Weight, a system of weights based on the 16-ounce pound (or 7,000 grains)

重制 重製 chong2 zhi4
to make a copy; to reproduce; to remake (a movie)

出奇制胜 出奇制勝 chu1 qi2 zhi4 sheng4
to win by a surprise move

传输控制 傳輸控制 chuan2 shu1 kong4 zhi4
transmission control

传输控制协定 傳輸控制協定 chuan2 shu1 kong4 zhi4 xie2 ding4
transmission control protocol; TCP

创制 創製 chuang4 zhi4
to create; to inaugurate; to contrive; to build (a mechanism)

粗制滥造 粗製濫造 cu1 zhi4 lan4 zao4
to churn out large quantities without regard for quality (idiom); rough and slipshod work

打制 打製 da3 zhi4

打制石器 打製石器 da3 zhi4 shi2 qi4
a chipped stone (paleolithic) implement

大部制 大部制 da4 bu4 zhi4
super-ministry system (reform aimed at streamlining government department functions)

单方制剂 單方製劑 dan1 fang1 zhi4 ji4
prescribed preparation

单院制 單院制 dan1 yuan4 zhi4
unicameralism; single-house system

导弹武器技术控制制度 導彈武器技術控制制度 dao3 dan4 wu3 qi4 ji4 shu4 kong4 zhi4 zhi4 du4
Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)

等级制度 等級制度 deng3 ji2 zhi4 du4

笛卡儿坐标制 笛卡兒座標制 di2 ka3 er2 zuo4 biao1 zhi4
Cartesian coordinate system

抵制 抵制 di3 zhi4
to resist; to boycott; to refuse (to cooperate); to reject; resistance; refusal

地面控制 地面控制 di4 mian4 kong4 zhi4
ground control (of airborne or space operation)

帝制 帝制 di4 zhi4
autocratic monarchy; imperial regime

电缆调制解调器 電纜調制解調器 dian4 lan3 tiao2 zhi4 jie3 tiao2 qi4
cable modem

电影制片 電影製片 dian4 ying3 zhi4 pian4

电影制作 電影製作 dian4 ying3 zhi4 zuo4

订制 訂製 ding4 zhi4
custom-made; made-to-order; to have something custom made; also written 定製|定制

定制 定製 ding4 zhi4
custom-made; made-to-order; to have something custom made

多党制 多黨制 duo1 dang3 zhi4
multi-party system

多妻制 多妻制 duo1 qi1 zhi4

遏制 遏制 e4 zhi4
to check; to contain; to hold back; to keep within limits; to constrain; to restrain

扼制 扼制 e4 zhi4
to control; to restrain

二部制 二部制 er4 bu4 zhi4
two shift system (in schools)

二进制 二進制 er4 jin4 zhi4
binary system (math)

二进制编码 二進制編碼 er4 jin4 zhi4 bian1 ma3
binary code; binary encoding

法律制裁 法律制裁 fa3 lv4 zhi4 cai2
legal sanction; prescribed punishment; punishable by law

法制 法製 fa3 zhi4
made in France

法制 法制 fa3 zhi4
legal system and institutions

法制办公室 法制辦公室 fa3 zhi4 ban4 gong1 shi4
Legislative Affairs Office, LAO (PRC)

法制日报 法制日報 fa3 zhi4 ri4 bao4
Legal Daily, newspaper published by PRC Ministry of Justice

法制晚报 法製晚報 fa3 zhi4 wan3 bao4
Lawcourt evening news, offshoot of 北京年青报 specialising in legal news, www.fawan.com

仿制 仿製 fang3 zhi4
to copy; to imitate; to make by imitating a model

仿制品 仿製品 fang3 zhi4 pin3
counterfeit object; fake

放松管制 放松管制 fang4 song1 guan3 zhi4

分布控制 分佈控制 fen1 bu4 kong4 zhi4
distributed control

分封制 分封制 fen1 feng1 zhi4
the feudal system; system of enfeoffment

分权制衡 分權制衡 fen1 quan2 zhi4 heng2
separation of powers for checks and balances

封建制度 封建制度 feng1 jian4 zhi4 du4

缝制 縫製 feng2 zhi4
to sew; to make (clothes, bedding)

父权制 父權制 fu4 quan2 zhi4

复制 複製 fu4 zhi4
to duplicate; to make a copy of; to copy; to reproduce; to clone

复制品 複製品 fu4 zhi4 pin3
replica; reproduction

钢制 鋼製 gang1 zhi4
made of steel; steel (bar, screw, product etc)

革制品 革製品 ge2 zhi4 pin3
leather goods

公有制 公有制 gong1 you3 zhi4
public ownership

公制 公制 gong1 zhi4
metric system

公制单位 公制單位 gong1 zhi4 dan1 wei4
metric units

共和制 共和制 gong4 he2 zhi4

股份制公司 股份制公司 gu3 fen4 zhi4 gong1 si1
joint-stock company

官制 官制 guan1 zhi4
the civil service system; the bureaucratic system

管制 管制 guan3 zhi4
control; supervision

规制 規制 gui1 zhi4
to regulate; rules and regulations; regulatory; style and structure (esp. of building)

国际单位制 國際單位制 guo2 ji4 dan1 wei4 zhi4
International System of Units

国务院法制局 國務院法制局 guo2 wu4 yuan4 fa3 zhi4 ju2
State Council Legislative Affairs Bureau (PRC)

核出口控制 核出口控制 he2 chu1 kou3 kong4 zhi4
nuclear export control

衡量制 衡量制 heng2 liang5 zhi4
system of weights and measures

烘制 烘製 hong1 zhi4
to bake

后制 後製 hou4 zhi4

户口制 戶口制 hu4 kou3 zhi4
PRC system of compulsory registration of households

户口制度 戶口制度 hu4 kou3 zhi4 du4
PRC system of compulsory registration

回合制 回合制 hui2 he2 zhi4
turn-based (gaming)

绘制 繪製 hui4 zhi4
to draw; to draft

激励机制 激勵機製 ji1 li4 ji1 zhi4
incentive mechanism; motivation method

机制 機制 ji1 zhi4

机制 機製 ji1 zhi4
machine processed; machine made; mechanism

疾病控制中心 疾病控制中心 ji2 bing4 kong4 zhi4 zhong1 xin1
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

即时制 即時制 ji2 shi2 zhi4
real-time (gaming)

计量制 計量制 ji4 liang4 zhi4
system of weights and measures

计算机集成制造 計算機集成制造 ji4 suan4 ji1 ji2 cheng2 zhi4 zao4
computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)

计算机制图 計算機制圖 ji4 suan4 ji1 zhi4 tu2
computer graphics

加强管制 加強管制 jia1 qiang2 guan3 zhi4
to tighten control (over sth)

家长制 家長制 jia1 zhang3 zhi4
patriarchal system

监管体制 監管體制 jian1 guan3 ti3 zhi4
regulatory system; supervisory body

监制 監製 jian1 zhi4
to supervise the manufacture of; to supervise the shooting of films; executive producer (film)

建制 建制 jian4 zhi4
organizational structure

节制 節制 jie2 zhi4
to control; to restrict; to moderate; to temper; moderation; sobriety; to administer

介质访问控制 介質訪問控制 jie4 zhi4 fang3 wen4 kong4 zhi4
Medium Access Control; MAC

介质访问控制层 介質訪問控制層 jie4 zhi4 fang3 wen4 kong4 zhi4 ceng2
MAC layer

金汇兑本位制 金匯兌本位制 jin1 hui4 dui4 ben3 wei4 zhi4
gold exchange standard (economics)

禁制 禁制 jin4 zhi4
to control; to restrict; to prohibit; prohibition; restriction

禁制令 禁制令 jin4 zhi4 ling4
prohibition; ban; law forbidding sth

经济体制 經濟體制 jing1 ji4 ti3 zhi4
economic system

经济制裁 經濟制裁 jing1 ji4 zhi4 cai2
economic sanctions

精制 精製 jing1 zhi4

井田制 井田制 jing3 tian2 zhi4
well-field system

旧制 舊制 jiu4 zhi4
old system; weights and measures of former times

均田制 均田制 jun1 tian2 zhi4
equal-field system of Wei of the Northern dynasties 北魏 and Tang 唐 dynasties

君主立宪制 君主立憲制 jun1 zhu3 li4 xian4 zhi4
constitutional monarchy

君主制 君主制 jun1 zhu3 zhi4

科举制 科舉制 ke1 ju3 zhi4
imperial examination system

克制 克制 ke4 zhi4
to restrain; to control; restraint; self-control

客制化 客製化 ke4 zhi4 hua4
customization (Tw)

空中交通管制 空中交通管制 kong1 zhong1 jiao1 tong1 guan3 zhi4
air traffic control

空中交通管制员 空中交通管制員 kong1 zhong1 jiao1 tong1 guan3 zhi4 yuan2
air traffic controller

控制 控制 kong4 zhi4
control; to exercise control over; to contain

控制棒 控制棒 kong4 zhi4 bang4
control rods

控制杆 控制桿 kong4 zhi4 gan3
control lever; joystick

控制论 控制論 kong4 zhi4 lun4
control theory (math.); cybernetics

控制权 控制權 kong4 zhi4 quan2
control (e.g. to win control); controlling right

控制室 控制室 kong4 zhi4 shi4
control room

控制台 控制臺 kong4 zhi4 tai2
control desk; console

会计制度 會計制度 kuai4 ji4 zhi4 du4
accounting system

拉制 拉制 la1 zhi4

礼制 禮制 li3 zhi4
etiquette; system of rites

联邦制 聯邦制 lian2 bang1 zhi4
federal; federal system

连坐制 連坐制 lian2 zuo4 zhi4
guilt by association

炼制 煉製 lian4 zhi4
(chemistry) to refine

量身定制 量身定製 liang2 shen1 ding4 zhi4

两党制 兩黨制 liang3 dang3 zhi4
two-party system

两院制 兩院制 liang3 yuan4 zhi4
bicameralism; bicameral legislative system

录制 錄製 lu4 zhi4
to record (video or audio)

逻辑链路控制 邏輯鏈路控制 luo2 ji5 lian4 lu4 kong4 zhi4
logical link control; LLC

媒体访问控制 媒體訪問控制 mei2 ti3 fang3 wen4 kong4 zhi4
Media Access Control; MAC

美制 美製 mei3 zhi4
American made

米制 米制 mi3 zhi4
metric system

民主集中制 民主集中制 min2 zhu3 ji2 zhong1 zhi4
democratic centralism

磨制石器 磨製石器 mo2 zhi4 shi2 qi4
a polished stone (neolithic) implement

母权制 母權制 mu3 quan2 zhi4

木制 木製 mu4 zhi4

奶制品 奶製品 nai3 zhi4 pin3
dairy product

难控制 難控制 nan2 kong4 zhi4
hard to control

拟制 擬製 ni3 zhi4
to copy (a model)

农村家庭联产承包责任制 農村家庭聯產承包責任制 nong2 cun1 jia1 ting2 lian2 chan3 cheng2 bao1 ze2 ren4 zhi4
rural household contract responsibility system, PRC government policy linking rural income to productivity

奴隶制 奴隸制 nu2 li4 zhi4

奴隶制度 奴隸制度 nu2 li4 zhi4 du4

炮制 炮製 pao2 zhi4
to concoct; to invent; to fabricate; to produce; to process; processing and curing (Chinese medicine)

泡制 泡制 pao4 zhi4
to brew; to infuse; to pickle

配制 配製 pei4 zhi4
to compound (medicines etc); to prepare (by mixing ingredients); to concoct

皮制品 皮製品 pi2 zhi4 pin3
leather goods

频率调制 頻率調制 pin2 lv4 tiao2 zhi4
frequency modulation

气动控制 氣動控制 qi4 dong4 kong4 zhi4
air operated

牵制 牽制 qian1 zhi4
to control; to curb; to restrict; to impede; to pin down (enemy troops)

钳制 鉗制 qian2 zhi4
to suppress; to muzzle; to gag

强制 強制 qiang2 zhi4
to enforce; enforcement; forcibly; compulsory

全日制 全日制 quan2 ri4 zhi4
full-time (schooling, work etc)

揉制 揉制 rou2 zhi4
to knead (leather)

鞣制 鞣製 rou2 zhi4
to tan (leather); tanning

如法炮制 如法炮製 ru2 fa3 pao2 zhi4
lit. to follow the recipe (idiom); fig. to follow a set pattern

如法泡制 如法泡製 ru2 fa3 pao4 zhi4
lit. to follow the recipe (idiom); to follow the same plan

乳制品 乳製品 ru3 zhi4 pin3
dairy products

烧制 燒製 shao1 zhi4
to fire (in a kiln)

摄制 攝製 she4 zhi4
to produce (a TV show etc)

砷制剂 砷製劑 shen1 zhi4 ji4

审级制度 審級制度 shen3 ji2 zhi4 du4
system of appeals (to higher court)

生物制剂 生物製劑 sheng1 wu4 zhi4 ji4
biological product

生物制品 生物製品 sheng1 wu4 zhi4 pin3
biological product

师夷长技以制夷 師夷長技以制夷 shi1 yi2 chang2 ji4 yi3 zhi4 yi2
"learn from the foreigners in order to gain command of them", idea advocated by Wei Yuan 魏源

十进制 十進制 shi2 jin4 zhi4

十六进制 十六進制 shi2 liu4 jin4 zhi4

实名制 實名制 shi2 ming2 zhi4
system for identifying users (on a rail network, the Internet etc)

试制 試製 shi4 zhi4
to try out a new product (or manufacturing process); prototype; trial product

市制 市制 shi4 zhi4
Chinese units of measurement

守制 守制 shou3 zhi4
to go into mourning for one's parents

受制 受制 shou4 zhi4
controlled (by sb); to suffer under a yoke

税制 稅制 shui4 zhi4
tax system

私有制 私有制 si1 you3 zhi4
private ownership of property

所有制 所有制 suo3 you3 zhi4
ownership of the means of production (in Marxism); system of ownership

谈判制度 談判制度 tan2 pan4 zhi4 du4
collective bargaining system

特制 特制 te4 zhi4
special; unique

提制 提製 ti2 zhi4
to refine; to extract

体制 體制 ti3 zhi4
system; organization

调制 調制 tiao2 zhi4
to modulate; modulation

调制 調製 tiao2 zhi4
to concoct by mixing ingredients; to prepare according to a recipe; to make (a salad, a cocktail, cosmetics etc)

调制波 調制波 tiao2 zhi4 bo1
modulated wave (elec.)

调制解调器 調制解調器 tiao2 zhi4 jie3 tiao2 qi4

停板制度 停板制度 ting2 ban3 zhi4 du4
system of circuit breakers; limit up, limit down system (finance)

统制 統制 tong3 zhi4
to control

土制 土製 tu3 zhi4
homemade; earthen

退休金双轨制 退休金雙軌制 tui4 xiu1 jin1 shuang1 gui3 zhi4
see 養老金雙軌制|养老金双轨制

无限制 無限制 wu2 xian4 zhi4
limitless; unrestricted

希格斯机制 希格斯機制 xi1 ge2 si1 ji1 zhi4
the Higgs mechanism, explaining the mass of elementary particles in the Standard Model

辖制 轄制 xia2 zhi4
to control

夏时制 夏時制 xia4 shi2 zhi4
daylight saving time

先发制人 先發制人 xian1 fa1 zhi4 ren2
to gain the initiative by striking first (idiom); to preempt; to anticipate; preemptive

限制 限制 xian4 zhi4
to restrict; to limit; to confine; restriction; limit

限制酶 限制酶 xian4 zhi4 mei2
restriction enzyme

限制酶图谱 限制酶圖譜 xian4 zhi4 mei2 tu2 pu3
restriction mapping (in genomics); restriction pattern

挟制 挾製 xie2 zhi4
forced submission; to exploit advantage to force sb to do one's bidding

形制 形制 xing2 zhi4
form; shape; structure; design

学分制 學分制 xue2 fen1 zhi4
credit system; grading system (in schools, universities etc)

学制 學制 xue2 zhi4
educational system; length of schooling

血制品 血製品 xue4 zhi4 pin3
blood products

熏制 熏制 xun1 zhi4
to smoke; to cure over a fire

压制 壓制 ya1 zhi4
to suppress; to inhibit; to stifle

牙机巧制 牙機巧制 ya2 ji1 qiao3 zhi4
ingenious gear machine; elaborate contraption

腌制 腌製 yan1 zhi4
marinated; to make by pickling, salting or curing

研制 研製 yan2 zhi4
to manufacture; to develop

研制过程 研製過程 yan2 zhi4 guo4 cheng2
manufacturing environment

养老金双轨制 養老金雙軌制 yang3 lao3 jin1 shuang1 gui3 zhi4
dual pension scheme (PRC)

一党专制 一黨專制 yi1 dang3 zhuan1 zhi4
one party dictatorship

一国两制 一國兩制 yi1 guo2 liang3 zhi4
one country, two systems (PRC proposal regarding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)

一妻制 一妻制 yi1 qi1 zhi4

一胎制 一胎制 yi1 tai1 zhi4
the one-child policy

以暴制暴 以暴制暴 yi3 bao4 zhi4 bao4
to use violence to curb violence

以华制华 以華制華 yi3 hua2 zhi4 hua2
use Chinese collaborators to subdue the Chinese (imperialist policy)

以夷制夷 以夷制夷 yi3 yi2 zhi4 yi2
to use foreigners to subdue foreigners (idiom); let the barbarians fight it out among themselves (traditional policy of successive dynasties); Use Western science and technology to counter imperialist encroachment. (late Qing modernizing slogan)

议会制 議會制 yi4 hui4 zhi4
parliamentary system

抑制 抑制 yi4 zhi4
to inhibit; to keep down; to suppress

抑制剂 抑制劑 yi4 zhi4 ji4
suppressant; inhibitor

抑制酶 抑制酶 yi4 zhi4 mei2
inhibiting enzyme

抑制作用 抑制作用 yi4 zhi4 zuo4 yong4

因地制宜 因地制宜 yin1 di4 zhi4 yi2
(idiom) to use methods in line with local circumstances

因时制宜 因時制宜 yin1 shi2 zhi4 yi2
(idiom) to use methods appropriate to the current situation

银本位制 銀本位制 yin2 ben3 wei4 zhi4
Silver Standard (monetary standard)

银制 銀製 yin2 zhi4
made of silver

印制 印製 yin4 zhi4
to print; to produce (a publication)

印制电路 印製電路 yin4 zhi4 dian4 lu4
printed circuit

印制电路板 印製電路板 yin4 zhi4 dian4 lu4 ban3
printed circuit board

应制 應制 ying4 zhi4
to write a poem on the order of the Emperor

有编制 有編制 you3 bian1 zhi4
having a permanent post; part of the official staff

有节制 有節制 you3 jie2 zhi4

预制 預製 yu4 zhi4
prefabricated; precut; to prefabricate

约制 約制 yue1 zhi4
to bind; to restrict; to constrain

宰制 宰制 zai3 zhi4
to rule; to dominate

再生制动 再生制動 zai4 sheng1 zhi4 dong4
regenerative braking

再制 再製 zai4 zhi4
to make more of the same thing; to reproduce; to reprocess; to remanufacture

再制盐 再製鹽 zai4 zhi4 yan2
refined salt

再制纸 再製紙 zai4 zhi4 zhi3
recycled paper

责任制 責任制 ze2 ren4 zhi4
system of job responsibility

轧制 軋製 zha2 zhi4
rolling steel

沾染控制 沾染控制 zhan1 ran3 kong4 zhi4
contamination control

涨跌幅限制 漲跌幅限制 zhang3 die1 fu2 xian4 zhi4
limit up, limit down; limit on daily price variation

震源机制 震源機制 zhen4 yuan2 ji1 zhi4
focal mechanism of earthquake

政治体制 政治體制 zheng4 zhi4 ti3 zhi4
form of government

制版 製版 zhi4 ban3
to make a plate (printing)

制备 製備 zhi4 bei4
to prepare; preparation (chemistry)

制表 製表 zhi4 biao3
to tabulate; tabulation; scheduling; watchmaking

制裁 制裁 zhi4 cai2
to punish; punishment; sanctions (incl. economic)

制成 製成 zhi4 cheng2
to manufacture; to turn out (a product)

制程 製程 zhi4 cheng2
manufacturing process; processing

制成品 制成品 zhi4 cheng2 pin3
manufactured goods; finished product

制导 制導 zhi4 dao3
to control (the course of sth); to guide (a missile)

制定 制定 zhi4 ding4
to draw up; to formulate

制订 制訂 zhi4 ding4
to work out; to formulate

制动 制動 zhi4 dong4
to brake

制动器 制動器 zhi4 dong4 qi4

制动踏板 制動踏板 zhi4 dong4 ta4 ban3
brake pedal

制度 制度 zhi4 du4
system (e.g. political, adminstrative etc); institution

制度化 制度化 zhi4 du4 hua4

制伏 制伏 zhi4 fu2
to overpower; to overwhelm; to subdue; to check; to control

制服 制服 zhi4 fu2
to subdue; to check; to bring under control; (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status; uniform (army, party, school etc); livery (for company employees)

制服呢 制服呢 zhi4 fu2 ni2
tweed cloth (used for military uniforms etc)

制衡 制衡 zhi4 heng2
to check and balance (power); checks and balances

制剂 製劑 zhi4 ji4
(chemical or pharmaceutical) preparation

制假 製假 zhi4 jia3
to counterfeit; to manufacture counterfeit goods

制件 製件 zhi4 jian4

制冷 制冷 zhi4 leng3

制片 製片 zhi4 pian4

制片人 製片人 zhi4 pian4 ren2
moviemaker; filmmaker; producer

制品 製品 zhi4 pin3
products; goods

制钱 制錢 zhi4 qian2
copper coin of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

制式 制式 zhi4 shi4
standardized; standard (service, method etc); regulation (clothing etc); formulaic; (telecommunications etc) system; format (e.g. the PAL or NTSC systems for TV signals)

制式化 制式化 zhi4 shi4 hua4

制售 製售 zhi4 shou4
to manufacture and sell

制酸剂 制酸劑 zhi4 suan1 ji4
antacid (medicine)

制陶 製陶 zhi4 tao2
to manufacture pottery

制陶工人 製陶工人 zhi4 tao2 gong1 ren2

制图 制圖 zhi4 tu2
cartographic; graphics

制图 製圖 zhi4 tu2
to map; to chart; to draft; mapmaking; charting

制鞋工人 製鞋工人 zhi4 xie2 gong1 ren2
shoemaker; cobbler

制鞋匠 製鞋匠 zhi4 xie2 jiang4
shoemaker; cobbler

制药 制藥 zhi4 yao4
to manufacture medicine

制药厂 製藥廠 zhi4 yao4 chang3
pharmaceutical company; drugs manufacturing factory

制药企业 製藥企業 zhi4 yao4 qi3 ye4
pharmaceutical company

制药业 制藥業 zhi4 yao4 ye4
pharmaceutical industry

制衣 制衣 zhi4 yi1
clothing manufacture

制约 制約 zhi4 yue1
to restrict; condition

制造 製造 zhi4 zao4
to manufacture; to make

制造厂 製造廠 zhi4 zao4 chang3
manufacturing plant; factory

制造商 製造商 zhi4 zao4 shang1
manufacturing company

制造业 制造業 zhi4 zao4 ye4
manufacturing industry

制造业者 製造業者 zhi4 zao4 ye4 zhe3

制造者 製造者 zhi4 zao4 zhe3

制止 制止 zhi4 zhi3
to curb; to put a stop to; to stop; to check; to limit

制作 製作 zhi4 zuo4
to make; to manufacture

制作商 製作商 zhi4 zuo4 shang1
maker; manufacturer

制作者 製作者 zhi4 zuo4 zhe3
producer; maker; creator

中国制造 中國製造 zhong1 guo2 zhi4 zao4
made in China

中央专制集权 中央專制集權 zhong1 yang1 zhuan1 zhi4 ji2 quan2
centralized autocratic rule

种姓制 種姓制 zhong3 xing4 zhi4
caste system (traditional Indian social division)

种姓制度 種姓製度 zhong3 xing4 zhi4 du4
caste system

竹制 竹製 zhu2 zhi4
made of bamboo

驻车制动器 駐車制動器 zhu4 che1 zhi4 dong4 qi4
parking brake

专制 專制 zhuan1 zhi4
autocracy; dictatorship

专制君主制 專制君主制 zhuan1 zhi4 jun1 zhu3 zhi4
absolute monarchy; autocracy

专制主义 專制主義 zhuan1 zhi4 zhu3 yi4
absolutism; despotism; autocracy

自动控制 自動控制 zi4 dong4 kong4 zhi4
automatic control

自制 自製 zi4 zhi4
self-made; improvised; homemade; handmade

自制 自制 zi4 zhi4
to maintain self-control; self-control

自制力 自制力 zi4 zhi4 li4

自制炸弹 自製炸彈 zi4 zhi4 zha4 dan4
improvised explosive device IED

总统制 總統制 zong3 tong3 zhi4
presidential system