variant of 升; to ascend; to rise in rank

variant of 升

to ascend; to rise to the rank of; to promote; to hoist; liter; measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou 斗

strokes 4
strokes after radical 2
毕升 畢昇 bi4 sheng1
Bi Sheng (990-1051), inventor of movable type

飙升 飆升 biao1 sheng1
to rise rapidly; to soar

步步高升 步步高陞 bu4 bu4 gao1 sheng1
to climb step by step; to rise steadily; on the up and up

超升 超升 chao1 sheng1

初升 初升 chu1 sheng1
rising (sun, moon etc)

蹿升 躥升 cuan1 sheng1
to rise rapidly; to shoot up

窜升 竄升 cuan4 sheng1
to rise rapidly; to shoot up

递升 遞升 di4 sheng1
to ascend progressively

调升 調升 diao4 sheng1
to promote

飞升 飛升 fei1 sheng1
to levitate heavenwards (a Daoist success); to take off; to soar (of prices)

飞升 飛昇 fei1 sheng1
to levitate heavenwards (a Daoist success); to take off; to soar (of prices)

高升 高升 gao1 sheng1
to get a promotion

歌舞升平 歌舞升平 ge1 wu3 sheng1 ping2
lit. to celebrate peace with songs and dance (idiom); fig. to make a show of happiness and prosperity

公升 公升 gong1 sheng1

韩升洙 韓昇洙 han2 sheng1 zhu1
Han Seung Soo (1936-), South Korean diplomat and politician, prime minister from 2008

毫升 毫升 hao2 sheng1

回升 回升 hui2 sheng1
to rise again after a fall; to pick up; rally (stock market etc)

鸡犬升天 雞犬升天 ji1 quan3 sheng1 tian1
lit. poultry and dogs rise to Heaven (idiom); fig. to ride on sb else's success; Once one man gets a government position, all his cronies get in too; Once sb has cracked the problem, every Tom, Dick and Harry can do it

金乌西坠,玉兔东升 金烏西墜,玉兔東昇 jin1 wu1 xi1 zhui4 - yu4 tu4 dong1 sheng1
lit. the golden bird of the sun sets in the west, the jade hare of the moon rises in the east; fig. at sunset

晋升 晉升 jin4 sheng1
to promote to a higher position

厘升 釐升 li2 sheng1

茅以升 茅以升 mao2 yi3 sheng1
Mao Yisheng (1896-1989), Chinese structural engineer and social activist

爬升 爬升 pa2 sheng1
to rise; to ascend; to climb (airplane etc); to go up (sales figures etc); to gain promotion

攀升 攀升 pan1 sheng1
to clamber up; (of prices etc) to rise

全球气候升温 全球氣候升溫 quan2 qiu2 qi4 hou4 sheng1 wen1
global warming

冉冉上升 冉冉上昇 ran3 ran3 shang4 sheng1
to ascend slowly

上升 上昇 shang4 sheng1
to rise; to go up; to ascend

上升空间 上升空間 shang4 sheng1 kong1 jian1
upside; potential to rise

上升趋势 上升趨勢 shang4 sheng1 qu1 shi4
an upturn; an upward trend

升调 昇調 sheng1 diao4
rising tone (phonetics, e.g. on a question in English)

升斗 升斗 sheng1 dou3
liter and decaliter dry measure; (fig.) meager quantity of foodstuff

升斗小民 升斗小民 sheng1 dou3 xiao3 min2
poor people (idiom); those who live from hand to mouth

升幅 升幅 sheng1 fu2
extent of an increase; percentage rise

升高 昇高 sheng1 gao1
to raise; to ascend

升格 升格 sheng1 ge2
promotion; upgrade

升汞 升汞 sheng1 gong3
mercuric chloride (HgCl)

升官 升官 sheng1 guan1
to get promoted

升官发财 升官發財 sheng1 guan1 fa1 cai2
to be promoted and gain wealth (idiom)

升号 升號 sheng1 hao4
(music) sharp (♯)

升华 升華 sheng1 hua2
to sublimate; sublimation (physics); to raise to a higher level; to refine; promotion

升级 升級 sheng1 ji2
to escalate (in intensity); to go up by one grade; to be promoted; to upgrade (computing)

升降 昇降 sheng1 jiang4
rising and lowering

升降机 升降機 sheng1 jiang4 ji1
aerial work platform (e.g. cherry picker or scissor lift); lift; elevator

升结肠 升結腸 sheng1 jie2 chang2
ascending colon (anatomy); first section of large intestine

升空 昇空 sheng1 kong1
to rise to the sky; to lift off; to levitate; liftoff

升旗 升旗 sheng1 qi2
to raise a flag; to hoist a flag

升旗仪式 升旗儀式 sheng1 qi2 yi2 shi4
flag raising ceremony

升起 升起 sheng1 qi3
to raise; to hoist; to rise

升迁 升遷 sheng1 qian1
promote; promotion

升任 升任 sheng1 ren4
to be promoted to

升市 升市 sheng1 shi4
rising prices; bull market

升堂入室 升堂入室 sheng1 tang2 ru4 shi4
lit. to reach the main room and enter the chamber (idiom); fig. to gradually attain proficiency; to attain a higher level

升腾 升騰 sheng1 teng2
to rise; to ascend; to leap up

升天 升天 sheng1 tian1
lit. to ascend to heaven; to die

升温 升溫 sheng1 wen1
to become hot; temperature rise; (fig.) to intensify; to hot up; to escalate; to get a boost

升息 升息 sheng1 xi1
to raise interest rates

升遐 升遐 sheng1 xia2
to pass away (of an emperor)

升序 升序 sheng1 xu4
ascending order

升学 升學 sheng1 xue2
to enter the next grade school

升压 升壓 sheng1 ya1
to boost the pressure (of a fluid); to boost (or step up) the voltage

升压剂 升壓劑 sheng1 ya1 ji4
vasopressor agent; antihypotensive agent (medicine)

升职 升職 sheng1 zhi2
to get promoted (at work etc); promotion

升值 昇值 sheng1 zhi2
to rise in value; to appreciate

圣母升天节 聖母升天節 sheng4 mu3 sheng1 tian1 jie2
Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Christian festival on 15th August)

四海升平 四海升平 si4 hai3 sheng1 ping2
lit. all four oceans are peaceful; worldwide peace (idiom)

提升 提昇 ti2 sheng1
to promote; to upgrade

调升 調升 tiao2 sheng1
to adjust upward; to upgrade; (price) hike

微升 微升 wei1 sheng1

耶稣升天节 耶穌升天節 ye1 su1 sheng1 tian1 jie2
Ascension Day (Christian festival forty days after Easter)

一人得道,鸡犬升天 一人得道,雞犬升天 yi1 ren2 de2 dao4 - ji1 quan3 sheng1 tian1
lit. when a man achieves the Dao, his poultry and dogs rise to Heaven (idiom); fig. to ride on sb else's success; Once one man gets a government position, all his cronies get in too; Once sb has cracked the problem, every Tom, Dick and Harry can do it

抑扬升降性 抑揚昇降性 yi4 yang2 sheng1 jiang4 xing4
property of rising and lowering

跃升 躍升 yue4 sheng1
to leap to (a higher position etc); to jump; (of a plane) to ascend

直升飞机 直升飛機 zhi2 sheng1 fei1 ji1
see 直升機|直升机

直升机 直升機 zhi2 sheng1 ji1

直升机坪 直升機坪 zhi2 sheng1 ji1 ping2

逐步升级 逐步升級 zhu2 bu4 sheng1 ji2

擢升 擢升 zhuo2 sheng1
to promote (sb); to upgrade; to ascend