
surname Zhuo

strokes 8
strokes after radical 6
安卓 安卓 an1 zhuo2
Android (operating system for mobile devices)

班卓琴 班卓琴 ban1 zhuo2 qin2
banjo (loanword)

成绩卓然 成績卓然 cheng2 ji4 zhuo2 ran2
to achieve astounding results (idiom)

董卓 董卓 dong3 zhuo2
Dong Zhuo (-192), top general of late Han, usurped power in 189, murdered empress dowager and child emperor, killed in 192 by Lü Bu 呂布|吕布

坚苦卓绝 堅苦卓絕 jian1 ku3 zhuo2 jue2
persisting despite trials and tribulations (idiom); conspicuous determination

珊卓 珊卓 shan1 zhuo2
Sandra (name)

史卓 史卓 shi3 zhuo2
Straw (name); Jack Straw (1946-), UK Labour Party politician, foreign secretary 2001-2006

羊卓错 羊卓錯 yang2 zhuo2 cuo4
Yamdroktso lake in central Tibet

远见卓识 遠見卓識 yuan3 jian4 zhuo2 shi2
visionary and sagacious (idiom)

卓别林 卓別林 zhuo2 bie2 lin2
Charlie Chaplin (1899-1977), English movie actor and director

卓尔不群 卓爾不群 zhuo2 er3 bu4 qun2
standing above the common crowd (idiom); outstanding; excellent and unrivaled

卓乎不群 卓乎不群 zhuo2 hu1 bu4 qun2
standing out from the common crowd (idiom); outstanding; preeminent

卓绝 卓絕 zhuo2 jue2
unsurpassed; extreme; extraordinary

卓兰 卓蘭 zhuo2 lan2
Zhuolan or Cholan town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县, northwest Taiwan

卓兰镇 卓蘭鎮 zhuo2 lan2 zhen4
Zhuolan or Cholan town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县, northwest Taiwan

卓尼 卓尼 zhuo2 ni2
Jonê or Zhuoni county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州, Gansu

卓尼县 卓尼縣 zhuo2 ni2 xian4
Jonê or Zhuoni county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州, Gansu

卓然 卓然 zhuo2 ran2
outstanding; eminent

卓识 卓識 zhuo2 shi2
superior judgment; sagacity

卓溪 卓溪 zhuo2 xi1
Zhuoxi or Chohsi township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县, east Taiwan

卓溪乡 卓溪鄉 zhuo2 xi1 xiang1
Zhuoxi or Chohsi township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县, east Taiwan

卓异 卓異 zhuo2 yi4
(of talent) outstanding; exceptional

卓有成效 卓有成效 zhuo2 you3 cheng2 xiao4
highly effective; fruitful

卓越 卓越 zhuo2 yue4
outstanding; surpassing; distinguished; splendid

卓越网 卓越網 zhuo2 yue4 wang3

卓著 卓著 zhuo2 zhu4
outstanding; eminent; brilliant

卓资 卓資 zhuo2 zi1
Zhuozi county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布, Inner Mongolia

卓资县 卓資縣 zhuo2 zi1 xian4
Zhuozi county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布, Inner Mongolia