surname Mao

hair; feather; down; wool; mildew; mold; coarse or semifinished; young; raw; careless; unthinking; nervous; scared; (of currency) to devalue or depreciate; classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = 角 , = one-tenth of a yuan or 10 fen 分)

strokes 4
strokes after radical 0
拔毛 拔毛 ba2 mao2
to pull out hair; to pluck; epilation

拔毛连茹 拔毛連茹 ba2 mao2 lian2 ru2
lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom); fig. also involving others; inextricably tangled together; Invite one and he'll tell all his friends.

白腹毛脚燕 白腹毛腳燕 bai2 fu4 mao2 jiao3 yan4
(bird species of China) common house martin (Delichon urbicum))

白毛 白毛 bai2 mao2
white hair (of animals); see also 白髮|白发

白毛女 白毛女 bai2 mao2 nv3
The White Haired Girl (1950), one of the first PRC films

被毛 被毛 bei4 mao2
coat (of an animal)

鞭毛 鞭毛 bian1 mao2

鞭毛纲 鞭毛綱 bian1 mao2 gang1

鬓毛 鬢毛 bin4 mao2
hair on the temples

不毛 不毛 bu4 mao2

不毛之地 不毛之地 bu4 mao2 zhi1 di4
barren land; desert

藏毛性疾病 藏毛性疾病 cang2 mao2 xing4 ji2 bing4
pilonidal disease

长毛象 長毛象 chang2 mao2 xiang4
woolly mammoth

耻毛 恥毛 chi3 mao2
pubic hair

出毛病 出毛病 chu1 mao2 bing4
a problem appears; to break down

触毛 觸毛 chu4 mao2

吹毛求疵 吹毛求疵 chui1 mao2 qiu2 ci1
lit. to blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discover any defect (idiom); fig. to be fastidious; nitpick

多如牛毛 多如牛毛 duo1 ru2 niu2 mao2
as many as the hair of the ox (idiom); great amount of; countless

鹅毛 鵝毛 e2 mao2
goose feather

鹅毛大雪 鵝毛大雪 e2 mao2 da4 xue3
goose feather snow (idiom); big heavy snow fall

二毛子 二毛子 er4 mao2 zi5
lit. secondary foreigner; (derogatory term for Chinese Christians and others associated with foreigners, used at the time of the Boxer Rebellion); (coll.) westernized Chinese person; (derog.) person of mixed Chinese and Russian blood; (slang) Ukraine; Ger

发毛 發毛 fa1 mao2
to rant and rave; to be scared, upset (Beijing dialect)

凤毛麟角 鳳毛麟角 feng4 mao2 lin2 jiao3
lit. as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns (idiom); fig. few and far between

刚毛 剛毛 gang1 mao2

搞毛 搞毛 gao3 mao2
(dialect) what are you doing?; what the hell?

龟毛 龜毛 gui1 mao2
indecisive; fussy; nitpicking (Taiwan dialect)

国际羽毛球联合会 國際羽毛球聯合會 guo2 ji4 yu3 mao2 qiu2 lian2 he2 hui4
International Badminton Federation

寒毛 寒毛 han2 mao2
fine hair on the human body

汗毛 汗毛 han4 mao2
hair; soft hair; down

汗毛孔 汗毛孔 han4 mao2 kong3
sweat pore

毫毛 毫毛 hao2 mao2
hair; soft hair; down

黑喉毛角燕 黑喉毛角燕 hei1 hou2 mao2 jiao3 yan4
(bird species of China) Nepal house martin (Delichon nipalense)

红毛丹 紅毛丹 hong2 mao2 dan1
rambutan or rumbutan (tropical fruit) (Nephelium lappaceum)

鸿毛泰岱 鴻毛泰岱 hong2 mao2 tai4 dai4
light as a goose feather, heavy as Mt Tai (idiom); of no consequence to one person, a matter of life or death to another

鸿毛泰山 鴻毛泰山 hong2 mao2 tai4 shan1
lit. light as a goose feather, heavy as Mt Tai (idiom); fig. of no consequence to one person, a matter of life or death to another

环江毛南族自治县 環江毛南族自治縣 huan2 jiang1 mao2 nan2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Huanjiang Maonan autonomous county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州, Guangxi

换毛 換毛 huan4 mao2
to molt (of birds); to change feathers

黄毛丫头 黃毛丫頭 huang2 mao2 ya1 tou5
silly little girl

火烧眉毛 火燒眉毛 huo3 shao1 mei2 mao5
lit. the fire burns one's eyebrows (idiom); fig. desperate situation; extreme emergency

鸡毛 雞毛 ji1 mao2
chicken feather; trivial

鸡毛店 雞毛店 ji1 mao2 dian4
a simple inn with only chicken feathers to sleep on

鸡毛蒜皮 雞毛蒜皮 ji1 mao2 suan4 pi2
chicken feather, garlic skin (idiom); trivial matter; kitchen trash

睫毛 睫毛 jie2 mao2

睫毛膏 睫毛膏 jie2 mao2 gao1

金毛狗 金毛狗 jin1 mao2 gou3
golden retriever (dog breed); Cibotium barometz, Asian tropical tree fern with hairy fronds (used in TCM)

金毛犬 金毛犬 jin1 mao2 quan3
golden retriever (dog breed)

九牛一毛 九牛一毛 jiu3 niu2 yi1 mao2
lit. one hair from nine oxen (idiom); fig. a drop in the ocean

块儿八毛 塊兒八毛 kuai4 er5 ba1 mao2
one yuan or less; around 80 cents or one dollar

老毛病 老毛病 lao3 mao2 bing4
chronic illness; old weakness; chronic problem

老毛子 老毛子 lao3 mao2 zi5
Westerner (esp. a Russian) (derog.)

礼轻人意重,千里送鹅毛 禮輕人意重,千里送鵝毛 li3 qing1 ren2 yi4 zhong4 - qian1 li3 song4 e2 mao2
goose feather sent from afar, a slight present but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it.

鬣毛 鬣毛 lie4 mao2

翎毛 翎毛 ling2 mao2
feather; plume; plumage

略知皮毛 略知皮毛 lve4 zhi1 pi2 mao2
slight knowledge of sth; superficial acquaintance with a subject; a smattering

马海毛 馬海毛 ma3 hai3 mao2
mohair (loanword)

毛笔 毛筆 mao2 bi3
writing brush

毛哔叽 毛嗶嘰 mao2 bi4 ji1

毛边 毛邊 mao2 bian1
raw edge (textiles, papermaking etc); rough edge

毛边纸 毛邊紙 mao2 bian1 zhi3
fine paper made from bamboo, used for calligraphy, painting etc; also written 毛邊|毛边

毛病 毛病 mao2 bing4
fault; defect; shortcomings; ailment

毛玻璃 毛玻璃 mao2 bo1 li5
frosted glass

毛茶 毛茶 mao2 cha2
unprocessed sun-dried tea leaves used to make black or green tea

毛虫 毛蟲 mao2 chong2

毛出在羊身上 毛出在羊身上 mao2 chu1 zai4 yang2 shen1 shang4
lit. wool comes from the sheep's back (idiom); One gets the benefit, but the price has been paid.; Nothing comes for free.

毛刺 毛刺 mao2 ci4
barb; whiskers

毛邓三 毛鄧三 mao2 deng4 san1
Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory & the Three Represents; abbr. for 毛澤東思想|毛泽东思想, 鄧小平理論|邓小平理论 and 三個代表|三个代表

毛豆 毛豆 mao2 dou4
green soy bean

毛肚 毛肚 mao2 du3
tripe (gastronomy)

毛发 毛髮 mao2 fa4

毛概 毛概 mao2 gai4
Introduction to Maoism (subject); abbr. for 毛澤東思想概論|毛泽东思想概论

毛根 毛根 mao2 gen1
a strand of hair

毛茛 毛茛 mao2 gen4

毛骨悚然 毛骨悚然 mao2 gu3 song3 ran2
to have one's hair stand on end (idiom); to feel one's blood run cold

毛孩子 毛孩子 mao2 hai2 zi5
(coll.) infant; ignorant child

毛脚渔鸮 毛腳漁鴞 mao2 jiao3 yu2 xiao1
(bird species of China) Blakiston's fish owl (Bubo blakistoni)

毛巾 毛巾 mao2 jin1

毛坑 毛坑 mao2 keng1
variant of 茅坑

毛孔 毛孔 mao2 kong3

毛口 毛口 mao2 kou3
metal filings (e.g. from a drill or lathe); burr

毛拉 毛拉 mao2 la1
Mullah (religious leader in Islam)

毛里求斯 毛里求斯 mao2 li3 qiu2 si1

毛里塔尼亚 毛里塔尼亞 mao2 li3 ta3 ni2 ya4

毛利 毛利 mao2 li4
gross profit

毛利人 毛利人 mao2 li4 ren2
Maori, indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand

毛料 毛料 mao2 liao4
rough lumber; woollen cloth

毛驴 毛驢 mao2 lv2

毛毛 毛毛 mao2 mao5
(pet name for a baby or small child)

毛毛虫 毛毛蟲 mao2 mao5 chong2

毛毛雨 毛毛雨 mao2 mao5 yu3
drizzle; light rain; (fig.) mere trifle

毛姆 毛姆 mao2 mu3
Maugham (family name); W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965), English writer

毛南族 毛南族 mao2 nan2 zu2
Maonan ethnic group of Guangxi

毛囊 毛囊 mao2 nang2
hair follicle

毛派 毛派 mao2 pai4

毛坯 毛坯 mao2 pi1
semifinished products

毛皮 毛皮 mao2 pi2
fur; pelt

毛片 毛片 mao2 pian4
pornographic film; unedited film (old); fur color

毛茸茸 毛茸茸 mao2 rong1 rong1
hairy; shaggy

毛绒绒 毛絨絨 mao2 rong2 rong2
fluffy; furry

毛绒玩具 毛絨玩具 mao2 rong2 wan2 ju4
plush toy; cuddly toy

毛色 毛色 mao2 se4
(of an animal) appearance or color of coat

毛收入 毛收入 mao2 shou1 ru4
gross income; gross profit

毛手毛脚 毛手毛腳 mao2 shou3 mao2 jiao3
carelessly and haphazardly; to paw; to grope; to get fresh

毛刷 毛刷 mao2 shua4

毛厕 毛廁 mao2 si5
variant of 茅廁|茅厕

毛塑像 毛塑像 mao2 su4 xiang4
statue of Chairman Mao Zedong (1893-1976) 毛澤東|毛泽东

毛酸浆 毛酸漿 mao2 suan1 jiang1
husk ground-cherry; Physalis pubescens

毛遂 毛遂 mao2 sui4
Mao Sui (third century BC), who proverbially offered his services to the King of Chu 楚, see 毛遂自薦|毛遂自荐

毛遂自荐 毛遂自薦 mao2 sui4 zi4 jian4
Mao Sui recommends himself (idiom); to offer one's services (in the style of Mao Sui offering his services to king of Chu 楚 of the Warring states)

毛毯 毛毯 mao2 tan3

毛条 毛條 mao2 tiao2
wool top, semi-processed raw wool

毛腿耳夜鹰 毛腿耳夜鷹 mao2 tui3 er3 ye4 ying1
(bird species of China) great eared nightjar (Eurostopodus macrotis)

毛腿鵟 毛腿鵟 mao2 tui3 kuang2
(bird species of China) rough-legged buzzard (Buteo lagopus)

毛腿沙鸡 毛腿沙雞 mao2 tui3 sha1 ji1
(bird species of China) Pallas's sandgrouse (Syrrhaptes paradoxus)

毛窝 毛窩 mao2 wo1
cotton-padded shoes; (old) shoes made of woven grass, padded with feathers

毛细 毛細 mao2 xi4

毛细孔 毛細孔 mao2 xi4 kong3

毛细血管 毛細血管 mao2 xi4 xue4 guan3
capillary blood vessels

毛线 毛線 mao2 xian4
knitting wool; wool yarn

毛线衣 毛線衣 mao2 xian4 yi1
sweater; woolen knitwear; wool

毛线针 毛線針 mao2 xian4 zhen1
knitting needle

毛象 毛象 mao2 xiang4

毛小囊 毛小囊 mao2 xiao3 nang2

毛选 毛選 mao2 xuan3
Selected Works of Mao Zedong; abbr. for 毛澤東選集|毛泽东选集

毛血旺 毛血旺 mao2 xue4 wang4
duck's blood and beef tripe in spicy soup

毛鸭蛋 毛鴨蛋 mao2 ya1 dan4
balut (boiled duck egg with a partly-developed embryo, which is eaten from the shell)

毛洋槐 毛洋槐 mao2 yang2 huai2
rose acacia (Robinia hispida, a false acacia)

毛腰 毛腰 mao2 yao1
(dialect) to bend over

毛衣 毛衣 mao2 yi1
(wool) sweater

毛泽东 毛澤東 mao2 ze2 dong1
Mao Zedong (1893-1976), Chinese communist leader

毛泽东·鲜为人知的故事 毛澤東·鮮為人知的故事 mao2 ze2 dong1 - xian1 wei2 ren2 zhi1 de5 gu4 shi5
Mao: The Unknown Story by Jung Chang 張戎|张戎 and Jon Halliday

毛泽东思想 毛澤東思想 mao2 ze2 dong1 si1 xiang3
Mao Zedong Thought; Maoism

毛泽东选集 毛澤東選集 mao2 ze2 dong1 xuan3 ji2
Selected Works of Mao Zedong

毛泽东主义 毛澤東主義 mao2 ze2 dong1 zhu3 yi4

毛毡 毛氈 mao2 zhan1

毛织物 毛織物 mao2 zhi1 wu4
woolen textiles

毛织运动衫 毛織運動衫 mao2 zhi1 yun4 dong4 shan1

毛痣 毛痣 mao2 zhi4
hairy nevus

毛重 毛重 mao2 zhong4
gross weight

毛猪 毛豬 mao2 zhu1
live pig

毛竹 毛竹 mao2 zhu2
moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis), used as timber etc

毛主席 毛主席 mao2 zhu3 xi2
Chairman Mao; Mao Zedong 毛澤東|毛泽东 (1893-1976), Chinese Communist leader

毛主席语录 毛主席語錄 mao2 zhu3 xi2 yu3 lu4
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, published from 1964 to about 1976

毛主义 毛主義 mao2 zhu3 yi4

毛子 毛子 mao2 zi5
hairy fellow; foreigner; Russian (derog.); bandit (old); tuft of fine hair

毛子国 毛子國 mao2 zi5 guo2
(derog.) Russia

眉毛钳 眉毛鉗 mei2 mao2 qian2

眉毛 眉毛 mei2 mao5

眉毛胡子一把抓 眉毛鬍子一把抓 mei2 mao5 hu2 zi5 yi1 ba3 zhua1
careless; any-old-how, regardless of the specific task

棉毛 棉毛 mian2 mao2
knitted cotton

拿着鸡毛当令箭 拿著雞毛當令箭 na2 zhe5 ji1 mao2 dang4 ling4 jian4
to wave a chicken feather as a token of authority (idiom); to assume unwarranted authority on the basis of some pretext

皮毛 皮毛 pi2 mao2
fur; fur clothing; skin and hair; superficial; superficial knowledge

起毛 起毛 qi3 mao2
fluff; lint; to feel nervous

千里鹅毛 千里鵝毛 qian1 li3 e2 mao2
goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trifling gift with a weighty thought behind it; also written 千里送鵝毛|千里送鹅毛

千里寄鹅毛 千里寄鵝毛 qian1 li3 ji4 e2 mao2
goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it; also written 千里送鵝毛|千里送鹅毛

千里送鹅毛 千里送鵝毛 qian1 li3 song4 e2 mao2
goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it

千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重 千里送鵝毛,禮輕情意重 qian1 li3 song4 e2 mao2 - li3 qing1 qing2 yi4 zhong4
goose feather sent from afar, a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it (idiom); It's not the gift that counts, but the thought behind it.

千里送鹅毛,礼轻人意重 千里送鵝毛,禮輕人意重 qian1 li3 song4 e2 mao2 - li3 qing1 ren2 yi4 zhong4
goose feather sent from afar, a slight present but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it.

轻于鸿毛 輕於鴻毛 qing1 yu2 hong2 mao2
light as a goose feather (idiom); trifling; unimportant

惹毛 惹毛 re3 mao2
(coll.) to irritate; to annoy; to piss sb off

茸毛 茸毛 rong2 mao2

绒毛 絨毛 rong2 mao2
fur; down (soft fur); villi capillary (in the small intestine)

绒毛性腺激素 絨毛性腺激素 rong2 mao2 xing4 xian4 ji1 su4
human chrionic gonodocophin (HCG)

茹毛饮血 茹毛飲血 ru2 mao2 yin3 xue4
devour raw meat and fowl (of savages)

软毛 軟毛 ruan3 mao2

三毛猫 三毛貓 san1 mao2 mao1
tortoiseshell cat; calico cat

山毛榉 山毛櫸 shan1 mao2 ju3

烧毛 燒毛 shao1 mao2
to singe (textiles)

身披羽毛 身披羽毛 shen1 pi1 yu3 mao2

泰山鸿毛 泰山鴻毛 tai4 shan1 hong2 mao2
as weighty as Mt Tai, as light as a feather (refers to death)

体毛 體毛 ti3 mao2
body hair

挑毛病 挑毛病 tiao1 mao2 bing4
to nitpick; petty criticism; to nag

挑毛剔刺 挑毛剔刺 tiao1 mao2 ti1 ci4
to find fault; to carp; nitpicking

挑毛剔刺儿 挑毛剔刺兒 tiao1 mao2 ti1 ci4 er5
erhua variant of 挑毛剔刺

脱毛 脫毛 tuo1 mao2
to lose hair or feathers; to molt; depilation; to shave

脱毛剂 脫毛劑 tuo1 mao2 ji4
depilatory medicine

无毛 無毛 wu2 mao2

五毛 五毛 wu3 mao2
see 五毛黨|五毛党

五毛党 五毛黨 wu3 mao2 dang3
fifty cents party (person supposed to relay government propaganda on Internet sites)

西藏毛腿沙鸡 西藏毛腿沙雞 xi1 zang4 mao2 tui3 sha1 ji1
(bird species of China) Tibetan sandgrouse (Syrrhaptes tibetanus)

细毛 細毛 xi4 mao2
fuzz; fine fur (of marten etc)

纤毛 纖毛 xian1 mao2

纤毛动力蛋白 纖毛動力蛋白 xian1 mao2 dong4 li4 dan4 bai2
ciliary dynein protein

腺毛 腺毛 xian4 mao2
glandular hair; trichome

小毛虫 小毛蟲 xiao3 mao2 chong2

小毛头 小毛頭 xiao3 mao2 tou5
(coll.) new-born baby; young boy

须毛 鬚毛 xu1 mao2
whiskers; mustache

烟腹毛脚燕 煙腹毛腳燕 yan1 fu4 mao2 jiao3 yan4
(bird species of China) Asian house martin (Delichon dasypus)

雁过拔毛 雁過拔毛 yan4 guo4 ba2 mao2
lit. to grab feathers from a flying goose; fig. to seize any opportunity; pragmatic

羊肚子毛巾 羊肚子毛巾 yang2 du4 zi5 mao2 jin1
see 羊肚手巾

羊毛 羊毛 yang2 mao2
fleece; wool; woolen

羊毛出在羊身上 羊毛出在羊身上 yang2 mao2 chu1 zai4 yang2 shen1 shang4
lit. wool comes from the sheep's back (idiom); One gets the benefit, but the price has been paid.; Nothing comes for free.

羊毛毯 羊毛毯 yang2 mao2 tan3
woolen blanket

羊毛线 羊毛線 yang2 mao2 xian4
knitting wool; wool yarn

羊毛脂 羊毛脂 yang2 mao2 zhi1
lanolin; wool oil

腋毛 腋毛 ye4 mao2
armpit hair

一毛不拔 一毛不拔 yi1 mao2 bu4 ba2
stingy (idiom)

阴毛 陰毛 yin1 mao2
pubic hair

羽毛 羽毛 yu3 mao2
feather; plumage; plume

羽毛笔 羽毛筆 yu3 mao2 bi3
quill pen

羽毛缎 羽毛緞 yu3 mao2 duan4
camlet (silk fabric)

羽毛球 羽毛球 yu3 mao2 qiu2
shuttlecock; badminton

羽毛球场 羽毛球場 yu3 mao2 qiu2 chang3
badminton court

棕毛 棕毛 zong1 mao2
palm fiber; coir

鬃毛 鬃毛 zong1 mao2

嘴上没毛,办事不牢 嘴上沒毛,辦事不牢 zui3 shang4 mei2 mao2 - ban4 shi4 bu4 lao2
a youth without facial hair cannot be relied upon (proverb)

嘴上无毛,办事不牢 嘴上無毛,辦事不牢 zui3 shang4 wu2 mao2 - ban4 shi4 bu4 lao2
see 嘴上沒毛,辦事不牢|嘴上没毛,办事不牢