(of a bird, animal or plant) female; keyhole; valley

strokes 6
strokes after radical 2
骊黄牝牡 驪黃牝牡 li2 huang2 pin4 mu3
a black stallion or possibly a yellow mare (idiom); don't judge by outward appearance

牝鸡牡鸣 牝雞牡鳴 pin4 ji1 mu3 ming2
female chicken crows at daybreak (idiom); a woman usurps authority; women meddle in politics; The female wears the trousers.

牝鸡司晨 牝雞司晨 pin4 ji1 si1 chen2
female chicken crows at daybreak (idiom); a woman usurps authority; women meddle in politics; The female wears the trousers.

牝牡 牝牡 pin4 mu3
male and female

牝牡骊黄 牝牡驪黃 pin4 mu3 li2 huang2
a black stallion or possibly a yellow mare (idiom); don't judge by outward appearance

小牝牛 小牝牛 xiao3 pin4 niu2