the masses; the great bulk of the population; popular (of music, science etc)
大众部大眾部da4 zhong4 bu4
Mahasanghika (branch of Buddhism)
大众传播大眾傳播da4 zhong4 chuan2 bo1
mass communication
大众化大眾化da4 zhong4 hua4
mass-oriented; to cater for the masses; popularized
大众捷运大眾捷運da4 zhong4 jie2 yun4
mass rapid transit MRT
大众汽车大眾汽車da4 zhong4 qi4 che1
大众运输大眾運輸da4 zhong4 yun4 shu1
public transport (Tw)
当众當眾dang1 zhong4
in public; in front of everybody
敌众我寡敵眾我寡di2 zhong4 wo3 gua3
multitude of enemies, few friends (idiom from Mencius); heavily outnumbered; beaten by the weight of numbers
蠹众木折蠹眾木折du4 zhong4 mu4 zhe2
Danger appears where many harmful factors exist. (idiom)
服众服眾fu2 zhong4
to convince the masses
公之于众公之於眾gong1 zhi1 yu2 zhong4
to make known to the masses (idiom); to publicize widely; to let the world know
公众公眾gong1 zhong4
公众电信网路公眾電信網路gong1 zhong4 dian4 xin4 wang3 lu4
public telephone network
公众集会公眾集會gong1 zhong4 ji2 hui4
public meeting
公众人物公眾人物gong1 zhong4 ren2 wu4
public figure; famous person
公众意见公眾意見gong1 zhong4 yi4 jian4
public opinion
寡不敌众寡不敵眾gua3 bu4 di2 zhong4
the few are no match for the many; heavily outnumbered; facing impossible odds (idiom)
观众觀眾guan1 zhong4
spectators; audience; visitors (to an exhibition etc)
合众合眾he2 zhong4
mass; involving everyone; united; lit. to assemble the multitude
合众国合眾國he2 zhong4 guo2
federated nation; the United States
合众国际社合眾國際社he2 zhong4 guo2 ji4 she4
United Press International (UPI)
合众为一合眾為一he2 zhong4 wei2 yi1
united as one; e pluribus unum
合众银行合眾銀行he2 zhong4 yin2 hang2
Bancorp, a US bank
哗众取宠嘩眾取寵hua2 zhong4 qu3 chong3
sensationalism; vulgar claptrap to please the crowds; playing to the gallery; demagogy
会众會眾hui4 zhong4
audience; participants; congregation (of religious sect)
惊群动众驚群動眾jing1 qun2 dong4 zhong4
to alarm everyone; to scandalize the public
惊师动众驚師動眾jing1 shi1 dong4 zhong4
to alarm everyone; to scandalize the public
纠众糾眾jiu1 zhong4
to muster; to gather a crowd
聚众聚眾ju4 zhong4
to gather a crowd; to muster
聚众淫乱罪聚眾淫亂罪ju4 zhong4 yin2 luan4 zui4
group licentiousness (offense punishable by up to five years in prison in the PRC)
力排众议力排眾議li4 pai2 zhong4 yi4
to stand one's ground against the opinion of the masses (idiom)
美国众议院美國眾議院mei3 guo2 zhong4 yi4 yuan4
United States House of Representatives
美利坚合众国美利堅合眾國mei3 li4 jian1 he2 zhong4 guo2
United States of America
民众民眾min2 zhong4
populace; masses; the people
普度众生普度眾生pu3 du4 zhong4 sheng1
(Buddhism) to deliver all living creatures from suffering (idiom)
普济众生普濟眾生pu3 ji4 zhong4 sheng1
universal mercy and succor (idiom); the Buddha's infinite power and mercy
普罗大众普羅大眾pu3 luo2 da4 zhong4
proletariat; abbr. for 普羅列塔利亞|普罗列塔利亚 plus masses; also written 無產階級|无产阶级 in PRC Marxist theory
普通民众普通民眾pu3 tong1 min2 zhong4
ordinary people; the masses
群众群眾qun2 zhong4
mass; multitude; the masses
群众大会群眾大會qun2 zhong4 da4 hui4
mass rally
群众路线群眾路線qun2 zhong4 lu4 xian4
the mass line, CPC term for Party policy aimed at broadening and cultivating contacts with the masses
群众团体群眾團體qun2 zhong4 tuan2 ti3
mass organizations
群众外包群眾外包qun2 zhong4 wai4 bao1
crowdsourcing; abbr. to 眾包|众包
群众性群眾性qun2 zhong4 xing4
to do with the masses; mass (meeting, movement etc)
群众组织群眾組織qun2 zhong4 zu3 zhi1
communal organization
人多势众人多勢眾ren2 duo1 shi4 zhong4
many men, a great force (idiom); many hands provide great strength; There is safety in numbers.
深孚众望深孚眾望shen1 fu2 zhong4 wang4
to enjoy the confidence of the people; to be very popular
示众示眾shi4 zhong4
to publicly expose
受众受眾shou4 zhong4
target audience; audience
听众聽眾ting1 zhong4
audience; listeners
万众一心萬眾一心wan4 zhong4 yi1 xin1
millions of people all of one mind (idiom); the people united
乌合之众烏合之眾wu1 he2 zhi1 zhong4
枭首示众梟首示眾xiao1 shou3 shi4 zhong4
to behead sb and display the head in public
小众小眾xiao3 zhong4
minority of the population; non-mainstream (activity, pursuit etc); niche (market etc)
信众信眾xin4 zhong4
believers; worshippers
兴师动众興師動眾xing1 shi1 dong4 zhong4
to muster large forces; to get a great number of people involved (in carrying out some task)
妖言惑众妖言惑眾yao1 yan2 huo4 zhong4
to mislead the public with rumors (idiom); to delude the people with lies
游街示众遊街示眾you2 jie1 shi4 zhong4
to parade (a prisoner) through the streets
与众不同與眾不同yu3 zhong4 bu4 tong2
to stand out from the masses (idiom)
芸芸众生蕓蕓眾生yun2 yun2 zhong4 sheng1
every living being (Buddhism); the mass of common people
众包眾包zhong4 bao1
crowdsourcing; abbr. for 群眾外包|群众外包
众筹眾籌zhong4 chou2
众创空间眾創空間zhong4 chuang4 kong1 jian1
众多眾多zhong4 duo1
众寡悬殊眾寡懸殊zhong4 gua3 xuan2 shu1
the multitude against the few, a wide disparity (idiom from Mencius); heavily outnumbered; unequally matched; overwhelmed by weight of numbers
众口皆碑眾口皆碑zhong4 kou3 jie1 bei1
to be praised by everyone
众口铄金眾口鑠金zhong4 kou3 shuo4 jin1
lit. public opinion is powerful enough to melt metal (idiom); fig. public clamor can obscure the actual truth; mass spreading of rumors can confuse right and wrong
众口同声眾口同聲zhong4 kou3 tong2 sheng1
(of people) to be of one voice (idiom); unanimous
众口一词眾口一詞zhong4 kou3 yi1 ci2
all of one voice; unanimous
众盲摸象眾盲摸象zhong4 mang2 mo1 xiang4
multitude of blind people touch an elephant (idiom, from Nirvana sutra 大般涅槃經|大般涅盘经); fig. unable to see the big picture; to mistake the part for the whole; unable to see the wood for the trees
众目睽睽眾目睽睽zhong4 mu4 kui2 kui2
see 萬目睽睽|万目睽睽
众叛亲离眾叛親離zhong4 pan4 qin1 li2
lit. people rebelling and friends deserting (idiom); fig. to find oneself utterly isolated
众人眾人zhong4 ren2
众人敬仰眾人敬仰zhong4 ren2 jing4 yang3
universally admired; highly esteemed by everyone
众生眾生zhong4 sheng1
all living things
众矢之的眾矢之的zhong4 shi3 zhi1 di4
lit. target of a multitude of arrows (idiom); the butt of public criticism; attacked on all sides
众数眾數zhong4 shu4
plural; mode (statistics)
众说眾說zhong4 shuo1
various ideas; diverse opinions
众说纷揉眾說紛揉zhong4 shuo1 fen1 rou2
lit. diverse opinions confused and divided (idiom); opinions differ; controversial matters
众说纷纭眾說紛紜zhong4 shuo1 fen1 yun2
opinions differ (idiom)
众说郛眾說郛zhong4 shuo1 fu2
hub for diverse opinions
众所周知眾所週知zhong4 suo3 zhou1 zhi1
see 眾所周知|众所周知
众所周知眾所周知zhong4 suo3 zhou1 zhi1
as everyone knows (idiom)
众望眾望zhong4 wang4
people's expectations
众香子眾香子zhong4 xiang1 zi5
all-spice (Pimenta dioica); Jamaican pepper
众星攒月眾星攢月zhong4 xing1 cuan2 yue4
see 眾星捧月|众星捧月
众星拱辰眾星拱辰zhong4 xing1 gong3 chen2
lit. all the stars revolve around Polaris 北辰 (idiom, from Analects); fig. to view sb as core figure; to group around a revered leader
众星拱月眾星拱月zhong4 xing1 gong3 yue4
see 眾星捧月|众星捧月
众星捧月眾星捧月zhong4 xing1 peng3 yue4
lit. all the stars cup themselves around the moon (idiom, from Analects); fig. to view sb as core figure; to group around a revered leader; to revolve around sb
众议员眾議員zhong4 yi4 yuan2
member of the US House of Representatives
众议院眾議院zhong4 yi4 yuan4
lower house of bicameral assembly; House of Representatives (USA); Chamber of Deputies
众志成城眾志成城zhong4 zhi4 cheng2 cheng2
unity of will is an impregnable stronghold (idiom)
左道惑众左道惑眾zuo3 dao4 huo4 zhong4
to delude the masses with heretical doctrines (idiom)