office; bureau; to sign; to arrange

strokes 13
strokes after radical 8
避署 避署 bi4 shu3
to go on summer vacation

部署 部署 bu4 shu3
to dispose; to deploy; deployment

布署 布署 bu4 shu3
variant of 部署

德国学术交流总署 德國學術交流總署 de2 guo2 xue2 shu4 jiao1 liu2 zong3 shu3
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (Tw)

地检署 地檢署 di4 jian3 shu3
district prosecutor's office

公署 公署 gong1 shu3
government office

官署 官署 guan1 shu3
official institution; state bureau

海关总署 海關總署 hai3 guan1 zong3 shu3
General Administration of Customs (GAC)

警察署 警察署 jing3 cha2 shu3
police station

警政署 警政署 jing3 zheng4 shu3
National Police Agency (Taiwan); abbr. for 內政部警政署|内政部警政署

联邦紧急措施署 聯邦緊急措施署 lian2 bang1 jin3 ji2 cuo4 shi1 shu3
Federal Emergency Management Agency; FEMA

联合国环境规划署 聯合國環境規劃署 lian2 he2 guo2 huan2 jing4 gui1 hua4 shu3
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

联合国开发计划署 聯合國開發計劃署 lian2 he2 guo2 kai1 fa1 ji4 hua4 shu3
United Nations Development Program

连署 連署 lian2 shu3
to cosign; to countersign

联署 聯署 lian2 shu3
joint signatures (on a letter or declaration)

廉署 廉署 lian2 shu3
ICAC Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong

廉政公署 廉政公署 lian2 zheng4 gong1 shu3
Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong (ICAC)

内政部警政署 內政部警政署 nei4 zheng4 bu4 jing3 zheng4 shu3
National Police Agency (Taiwan)

签署 簽署 qian1 shu3
to sign (an agreement)

审计署 審計署 shen3 ji4 shu3
audit office; public accounts committee

世界粮食署 世界糧食署 shi4 jie4 liang2 shi5 shu3
World food program (United Nations aid agency)

署名 署名 shu3 ming2
to sign (a signature)

卫生署 衛生署 wei4 sheng1 shu3
health bureau (or office, or department, or agency)

消防署 消防署 xiao1 fang2 shu3
fire station

新闻出版总署 新聞出版總署 xin1 wen2 chu1 ban3 zong3 shu3
General Administration of Press and Publication (PRC state censorship organization)

行署 行署 xing2 shu3
administrative office

行政公署 行政公署 xing2 zheng4 gong1 shu3
administrative office

衙署 衙署 ya2 shu3
government office in feudal China; yamen

总署 總署 zong3 shu3
general office