Dravidian (general term for South Indian people and languages)
德拉克罗瓦德拉克羅瓦de2 la1 ke4 luo2 wa3
Delacroix (painter)
叠罗汉疊羅漢die2 luo2 han4
human pyramid
东罗马帝国東羅馬帝國dong1 luo2 ma3 di4 guo2
Eastern Roman empire or Byzantium (395-1453)
杜布罗夫尼克杜布羅夫尼克du4 bu4 luo2 fu1 ni2 ke4
Dubrovnik (city in Croatia)
多那太罗多那太羅duo1 na3 tai4 luo2
Donatello (c. 1386-1466); Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi, famous early Renaissance painter and sculptor
俄罗斯俄羅斯e2 luo2 si1
俄罗斯帝国俄羅斯帝國e2 luo2 si1 di4 guo2
Russian empire (1546-1917)
俄罗斯方块俄羅斯方塊e2 luo2 si1 fang1 kuai4
Tetris (video game)
俄罗斯联邦俄羅斯聯邦e2 luo2 si1 lian2 bang1
Russian Federation, RSFSR
俄罗斯轮盘俄羅斯輪盤e2 luo2 si1 lun2 pan2
Russian roulette
俄罗斯人俄羅斯人e2 luo2 si1 ren2
Russian (person)
俄罗斯族俄羅斯族e2 luo2 si1 zu2
Russian ethnic group (of northeast China and Xinjiang etc); Russian nationality; Russians (of Russia)
法罗群岛法羅群島fa3 luo2 qun2 dao3
Faroe Islands
费加罗报費加羅報fei4 jia1 luo2 bao4
Le Figaro
佛罗里达州佛羅里達州fo2 luo2 li3 da2 zhou1
佛罗伦萨佛羅倫薩fo2 luo2 lun2 sa4
Florence, city in Italy
佛罗伦斯佛羅倫斯fo2 luo2 lun2 si1
Florence, city in Italy (Tw)
弗罗茨瓦夫弗羅茨瓦夫fu2 luo2 ci2 wa3 fu1
Wroclaw, Polish city
弗罗里达弗羅里達fu2 luo2 li3 da2
Florida, US state
佛罗里达佛羅里達fu2 luo2 li3 da2
弗罗里达州弗羅里達州fu2 luo2 li3 da2 zhou1
Florida, US state
伏罗希洛夫伏羅希洛夫fu2 luo2 xi1 luo4 fu1
Kliment Voroshilov (1881-1969), Soviet politician and military commander
高罗佩高羅珮gao1 luo2 pei4
Gao Luopei or R.H. van Gulik (1910-1967), Dutch sinologist, diplomat and writer
哥罗芳哥羅芳ge1 luo2 fang1
chloroform CHCl3; trichloromethane
歌罗西歌羅西ge1 luo2 xi1
歌罗西书歌羅西書ge1 luo2 xi1 shu1
Epistle of St Paul to the Colossians
格罗宁根格羅寧根ge2 luo2 ning2 gen1
Groningen, province and city in the Netherlands
格罗兹尼格羅茲尼ge2 luo2 zi1 ni2
Grozny, capital of Chechen Republic, Russia
古罗马古羅馬gu3 luo2 ma3
ancient Rome
瓜德罗普瓜德羅普gua1 de2 luo2 pu3
国语罗马字國語羅馬字guo2 yu3 luo2 ma3 zi4
Gwoyeu Romatzyh, a romanization system for Chinese devised by Y.R. Chao and others in 1925-26
哈巴罗夫斯克哈巴羅夫斯克ha1 ba1 luo2 fu1 si1 ke4
Khabarovsk, far eastern Russian city and province on the border with Heilongjiang province of China
哈博罗内哈博羅內ha1 bo2 luo2 nei4
Gaborone, capital of Botswana
哈罗哈羅ha1 luo2
hello (loanword)
华罗庚華羅庚hua4 luo2 geng1
Hua Luogeng (1910-1985), Chinese number theorist
基辅罗斯基輔羅斯ji1 fu3 luo2 si1
Kievan Rus'
伽罗华伽羅華jia1 luo2 hua4
Évariste Galois (1811-1832), famous French mathematical prodigy and unsuccessful duelist; also written 伽羅瓦|伽罗瓦
伽罗华理论伽羅華理論jia1 luo2 hua4 li3 lun4
Galois theory (math.); also written 伽羅瓦理論|伽罗瓦理论
加罗林群岛加羅林群島jia1 luo2 lin2 qun2 dao3
Caroline Islands
伽罗瓦理论伽羅瓦理論jia1 luo2 wa3 li3 lun4
Galois theory (math.)
伽罗瓦伽羅瓦jia1 luo2 wa4
Évariste Galois (1811-1832), famous French mathematical prodigy and unsuccessful duelist
加泰罗尼亚加泰羅尼亞jia1 tai4 luo2 ni2 ya4
犍陀罗犍陀羅jian1 tuo2 luo2
Gandhara Kingdom in northwest India, c. 600 BC-11 AD, on Kabul River in Vale of Peshawar
鸠摩罗什鳩摩羅什jiu1 mo2 luo2 shi2
Kumarajiva c. 334-413, Buddhist monk and translator of Zen texts
卡罗利纳卡羅利納ka3 luo2 li4 na4
Carolina (Puerto Rico)
卡斯特罗卡斯特羅ka3 si1 te4 luo2
Castro (name); Fidel Castro or Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz (1926-), Cuban revolutionary leader, prime minister 1959-1976, president 1976-2008
开罗開羅kai1 luo2
Cairo, capital of Egypt
开罗大学開羅大學kai1 luo2 da4 xue2
Cairo University
珂罗版珂羅版ke1 luo2 ban3
collotype (printing) (loanword)
科罗恩病科羅恩病ke1 luo2 en1 bing4
Krohn's disease
科罗拉多科羅拉多ke1 luo2 la1 duo1
科罗拉多大峡谷科羅拉多大峽谷ke1 luo2 la1 duo1 da4 xia2 gu3
the Grand Canyon (Colorado)
科罗拉多州科羅拉多州ke1 luo2 la1 duo1 zhou1
科罗娜科羅娜ke1 luo2 na4
Corona (beer)
科罗纳科羅納ke1 luo2 na4
Corona; Colonna
科摩罗科摩羅ke1 mo2 luo2
Union of Comoros
克仑特罗克侖特羅ke4 lun2 te4 luo1
克罗埃西亚克羅埃西亞ke4 luo2 ai1 xi1 ya4
Croatia (Tw)
克罗地亚克羅地亞ke4 luo2 di4 ya4
克罗地亚共和国克羅地亞共和國ke4 luo2 di4 ya4 gong4 he2 guo2
Republic of Croatia
克罗地亚语克羅地亞語ke4 luo2 di4 ya4 yu3
Croatian (language)
克罗诺斯克羅諾斯ke4 luo2 nuo4 si1
Chronos, Greek God and cannibalistic child abuser, father of Zeus
拉夫罗夫拉夫羅夫la1 fu1 luo2 fu1
Lavrov (name); Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov (1950-), Russian diplomat and politician, Foreign minister from 2004
雷·罗马诺雷·羅馬諾lei2 - luo2 ma3 nuo4
Ray Romano (1957-), US actor and comedian
哩哩罗罗哩哩羅羅li1 li1 luo1 luo1
endless mumbling (onom.); verbose and incomprehensible; talking endlessly
黎曼罗赫定理黎曼羅赫定理li2 man4 luo2 he4 ding4 li3
(math.) Riemann-Roch theorem
喽罗嘍羅lou2 luo5
variant of 嘍囉|喽啰
罗伯逊羅伯遜luo1 bo2 xun4
Robertson (name)
罗夫诺羅夫諾luo1 fu1 nuo4
Rivne (or Rovno), city in western Ukraine; Rivne (Oblast)
罗姆酒羅姆酒luo1 mu3 jiu3
rum (loanword)
罗唆羅唆luo1 suo1
incorrect variant of 囉嗦|啰嗦
罗嗦羅嗦luo1 suo5
incorrect variant of 囉嗦|啰嗦
罗安达羅安達luo2 an1 da2
Luanda, capital of Angola
罗巴切夫斯基羅巴切夫斯基luo2 ba1 qie4 fu1 si1 ji1
Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky (1793-1856), one of the discoverers of non-Euclidean geometry
罗拜羅拜luo2 bai4
to line up to pay homage
罗保铭羅保銘luo2 bao3 ming2
Luo Baoming (1952-), sixth governor of Hainan
罗宾汉羅賓漢luo2 bin1 han4
Robin Hood (English 12th century folk hero)
罗宾逊羅賓遜luo2 bin1 xun4
Robinson (name)
罗伯茨羅伯茨luo2 bo2 ci2
罗伯斯庇尔羅伯斯庇爾luo2 bo2 si1 bi4 er3
Robespierre (name); Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre (1758-1794), French revolutionary leader, enthusiastic advocate of reign of terror 1791-1794
Luocheng Mulao autonomous county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州, Guangxi
罗城县羅城縣luo2 cheng2 xian4
Luocheng Mulao autonomous county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州, Guangxi
罗得岛羅得島luo2 de2 dao3
Rhode Island, US state; Rhodes, an island of Greece
罗德岛羅德島luo2 de2 dao3
Rhode Island, US state; Rhodes, an island of Greece
罗得斯岛羅得斯島luo2 de2 si1 dao3
Rhodes, Mediterranean island
罗甸羅甸luo2 dian4
Luodian county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州, Guizhou
罗甸县羅甸縣luo2 dian4 xian4
Luodian county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州, Guizhou
罗定羅定luo2 ding4
Luoding county level city in Yunfu 雲浮|云浮, Guangdong
罗定市羅定市luo2 ding4 shi4
Luoding county level city in Yunfu 雲浮|云浮, Guangdong
罗东羅東luo2 dong1
Luodong or Lotong town in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县, Taiwan
罗东镇羅東鎮luo2 dong1 zhen4
Luodong or Lotong town in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县, Taiwan
罗缎羅緞luo2 duan4
罗尔定理羅爾定理luo2 er3 ding4 li3
Rolle's theorem (in calculus)
罗尔斯·罗伊斯羅爾斯·羅伊斯luo2 er3 si1 - luo2 yi1 si1
Rolls-Royce (UK company); also written 勞斯萊斯|劳斯莱斯
罗浮宫羅浮宮luo2 fu2 gong1
Le Louvre, Paris Museum; more common simp. form 盧浮宮|卢浮宫
罗浮山羅浮山luo2 fu2 shan1
Mt Luofushan in Zengcheng county, Guangdong
罗格羅格luo2 ge2
Logue or Rogge (name); Jacques Rogge, president of International Olympic Committee (IOC)
罗格斯大学羅格斯大學luo2 ge2 si1 da4 xue2
Rutgers University (New Jersey)
罗贯中羅貫中luo2 guan4 zhong1
Luo Guanzhong (c. 1330-c. 1400), author of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and other works
罗锅羅鍋luo2 guo1
humpbacked (e.g. a bridge); in the form of an arch; a hunchback
罗锅儿羅鍋兒luo2 guo1 er5
erhua variant of 羅鍋|罗锅
罗锅儿桥羅鍋兒橋luo2 guo1 er5 qiao2
a humpback bridge
罗汉羅漢luo2 han4
abbr. for 阿羅漢|阿罗汉
罗汉病羅漢病luo2 han4 bing4
snail fever (bilharzia or schistosomiasis), disease caused by schistosome parasitic flatworm
罗汉豆羅漢豆luo2 han4 dou4
broad bean (Vicia faba); fava bean; same as 蠶豆|蚕豆
罗汉肚羅漢肚luo2 han4 du4
罗汉果羅漢果luo2 han4 guo3
sweet fruit of Siraitia grosvenorii (formerly Momordica grosvenori, a gourd of the Curcubitaceae family), grown in Guangxi and used in Chinese medicine
罗汉拳羅漢拳luo2 han4 quan2
luohan quan; arhat boxing (kungfu style)
罗汉鱼羅漢魚luo2 han4 yu2
flowerhorn cichlid
罗喉羅喉luo2 hou2
variant of 羅睺|罗睺
罗睺羅睺luo2 hou2
the intersection of the Moon's orbit with the ecliptic in Vedic astronomy (Sanskrit rahu)
罗湖羅湖luo2 hu2
Luohu district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong
罗湖区羅湖區luo2 hu2 qu1
Luohu district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong
罗嘉良羅嘉良luo2 jia1 liang2
Gallen Lo (1962-), Hong Kong actor and singer
罗家英羅家英luo2 jia1 ying1
Law Kar-Ying (1946-), Hong Kong actor
罗江羅江luo2 jiang1
Luojiang county in Deyang 德陽|德阳, Sichuan
罗江县羅江縣luo2 jiang1 xian4
Luojiang county in Deyang 德陽|德阳, Sichuan
罗杰羅傑luo2 jie2
罗洁爱尔之羅潔愛爾之luo2 jie2 ai4 er3 zhi1
Raziel, archangel in Judaism
罗杰斯羅傑斯luo2 jie2 si1
罗经羅經luo2 jing1
compass; same as 羅盤|罗盘
罗掘羅掘luo2 jue2
to scrape around for money; hard pressed for cash; cf 羅雀掘鼠|罗雀掘鼠 to net birds and dig for rats (idiom)
罗口羅口luo2 kou3
rib collar; rib top of socks
罗拉羅拉luo2 la1
roller (loanword)
罗兰羅蘭luo2 lan2
Roland (name)
罗勒羅勒luo2 le4
sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum)
罗利羅利luo2 li4
Raleigh, capital of North Carolina
罗列羅列luo2 lie4
to spread out
罗琳羅琳luo2 lin2
Rowling (name); Joanne Kathleen Rowling (1965-), author of the Harry Potter series of novels
罗伦斯羅倫斯luo2 lun2 si1
Lawrence (city in Kansas, USA)
罗缕纪存羅縷紀存luo2 lv3 ji4 cun2
to record and preserve
罗马羅馬luo2 ma3
Rome, capital of Italy
罗马帝国羅馬帝國luo2 ma3 di4 guo2
Roman Empire (27 BC-476 AD)
罗马法羅馬法luo2 ma3 fa3
Roman law
罗马公教羅馬公教luo2 ma3 gong1 jiao4
Roman Catholicism
罗马化羅馬化luo2 ma3 hua4
罗马教廷羅馬教廷luo2 ma3 jiao4 ting2
the Church (as Royal Court); the Holy See; the Vatican
罗马里奥羅馬里奧luo2 ma3 li3 ao4
罗马尼亚羅馬尼亞luo2 ma3 ni2 ya4
罗马诺羅馬諾luo2 ma3 nuo4
Romano (name)
罗马书羅馬書luo2 ma3 shu1
Epistle of St Paul to the Romans
罗马数字羅馬數字luo2 ma3 shu4 zi4
Roman numerals
罗马字羅馬字luo2 ma3 zi4
the Latin alphabet
罗马字母羅馬字母luo2 ma3 zi4 mu3
Roman letters; Roman alphabet
罗曼蒂克羅曼蒂克luo2 man4 di4 ke4
romantic (loanword)
罗曼诺羅曼諾luo2 man4 nuo4
Romano (name)
罗曼史羅曼史luo2 man4 shi3
romance (loanword); love affair
罗曼使羅曼使luo2 man4 shi3
romance; love affair; more commonly written 羅曼史|罗曼史
罗曼司羅曼司luo2 man4 si1
romance (loanword)
罗曼语族羅曼語族luo2 man4 yu3 zu2
Romance language family
罗懋登羅懋登luo2 mao4 deng1
Luo Maodeng (16th century), Ming author of operas and popular fiction
罗蒙诺索夫羅蒙諾索夫luo2 meng2 nuo4 suo3 fu1
Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765), Russian polymath and writer
罗密欧羅密歐luo2 mi4 ou1
Romeo (name)
罗密欧与朱丽叶羅密歐與朱麗葉luo2 mi4 ou1 yu3 zhu1 li4 ye4
Romeo and Juliet, 1594 tragedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚
罗摩诺索夫羅摩諾索夫luo2 mo2 nuo4 suo3 fu1
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (1711-1765), famous Russian chemist and polymath
罗摩诺索夫山脊羅摩諾索夫山脊luo2 mo2 nuo4 suo3 fu1 shan1 ji3
Lomonosov ridge (in the Artic Ocean)
罗摩衍那羅摩衍那luo2 mo2 yan3 na4
the Ramayana (Indian epic)
罗姆人羅姆人luo2 mu3 ren2
Romani, an ethnic group of Europe
罗纳羅納luo2 na4
Rhone, river of Switzerland and France
罗纳尔多羅納爾多luo2 na4 er3 duo1
Ronaldo (name); Cristiano Ronaldo (1985-), Portuguese soccer player
罗纳河羅納河luo2 na4 he2
Rhone, river of Switzerland and France
罗讷河羅訥河luo2 ne4 he2
Rhone River, France
罗盘羅盤luo2 pan2
罗盘度羅盤度luo2 pan2 du4
罗盘座羅盤座luo2 pan2 zuo4
Pyxis (constellation)
罗平羅平luo2 ping2
Luoping county in Qujing 曲靖, Yunnan
罗平县羅平縣luo2 ping2 xian4
Luoping county in Qujing 曲靖, Yunnan
罗切斯特羅切斯特luo2 qie1 si1 te4
罗圈羅圈luo2 quan1
round frame of a sieve
罗圈儿羅圈兒luo2 quan1 er5
erhua variant of 羅圈|罗圈
罗圈儿揖羅圈兒揖luo2 quan1 er5 yi1
to bow around with hands joined (to people on all sides)
罗圈架羅圈架luo2 quan1 jia4
a quarrel in which third parties get involved
罗圈腿羅圈腿luo2 quan1 tui3
bow-legged; bandy-legged
罗雀掘鼠羅雀掘鼠luo2 que4 jue2 shu3
lit. to net birds and dig for rats (idiom); fig. hard pressed for cash; on the verge of bankruptcy
罗荣桓羅榮桓luo2 rong2 huan2
Luo Ronghuan (1902-1963), Chinese communist military leader
罗塞塔石碑羅塞塔石碑luo2 sai1 ta3 shi2 bei1
Rosetta Stone
罗莎羅莎luo2 sha1
Rosa (name)
罗姗羅姍luo2 shan1
Roxanne or Roxane or Rosanna (name)
罗山羅山luo2 shan1
Luoshan county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan
罗山县羅山縣luo2 shan1 xian4
Luoshan county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan
罗生门羅生門luo2 sheng1 men2
Rashomon, Japanese novel and movie; (fig.) situation where conflicting interpretations of the same event obscure the truth; unsolvable case
罗氏羅氏luo2 shi4
Roche; F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
罗世昌羅世昌luo2 shi4 chang1
Luo Shichang, Qing dynasty painter
罗氏几何羅氏幾何luo2 shi4 ji3 he2
hyperbolic geometry; Lobachevskian geometry
罗式几何羅式幾何luo2 shi4 ji3 he2
hyperbolic geometry; Lobachevskian geometry
罗氏线圈羅氏線圈luo2 shi4 xian4 quan1
Rogowski coil
罗水羅水luo2 shui3
name of a river, the northern tributary of Miluo river 汨羅江|汨罗江
罗斯羅斯luo2 si1
Roth (name); Kenneth Roth (1955-), executive director of Human Rights Watch 人權觀察|人权观察
罗斯福羅斯福luo2 si1 fu2
Roosevelt (name); Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), US President 1901-1909; Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), US President 1933-1945
罗斯涅夫羅斯涅夫luo2 si1 nie4 fu1
Rosneft (Russian state oil company)
罗斯托夫羅斯托夫luo2 si1 tuo1 fu1
Rostov-on-Don, Russian river port and regional capital close to Sea of Azov (north of the Black Sea)
罗斯托克羅斯托克luo2 si1 tuo1 ke4
罗宋汤羅宋湯luo2 song4 tang1
borscht, a traditional beetroot soup
罗素羅素luo2 su4
Russell (name); Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd Earl Russell (1872-1970), British logician, rationalist philosopher and pacifist
罗梭羅梭luo2 suo1
Roseau, capital of Dominica (Tw)
罗索羅索luo2 suo3
Roseau, capital of Dominica
罗田羅田luo2 tian2
Luotian county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈, Hubei
罗田县羅田縣luo2 tian2 xian4
Luotian county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈, Hubei
罗托鲁瓦羅托魯瓦luo2 tuo1 lu3 wa3
Rotorua, city in New Zealand
罗网羅網luo2 wang3
net; fishing net; bird net
罗文羅文luo2 wen2
Roman Tam (1949-), Canto-pop singer
罗纹羅紋luo2 wen2
rib (in fabric); ribbed pattern
罗纹鸭羅紋鴨luo2 wen2 ya1
(bird species of China) falcated duck (Anas falcata)
罗霄山羅霄山luo2 xiao1 shan1
Luoxiao Mountains, mountain range straddling the border between Jiangxi and Hunan
罗一秀羅一秀luo2 yi1 xiu4
Luo Yixiu (1889-1910), Mao Zedong's first wife
罗语羅語luo2 yu3
Romanian language
罗预羅預luo2 yu4
(old) very short unit of time (loanword, from Sanskrit)
罗源羅源luo2 yuan2
Luoyuan county in Fuzhou 福州, Fujian
罗源县羅源縣luo2 yuan2 xian4
Luoyuan county in Fuzhou 福州, Fujian
罗皂羅皂luo2 zao4
to create a disturbance; to make trouble; to harass
罗唣羅唣luo2 zao4
to create a disturbance; to make trouble; to harass
罗织羅織luo2 zhi1
to frame sb; to cook up imaginary charges against sb
罗致羅緻luo2 zhi4
to employ; to recruit (talented personnel); to gather together (a team)
罗志祥羅志祥luo2 zhi4 xiang2
Luo Zhixiang or Show Luo or Alan Luo (1979-), Taiwanese pop star
罗庄羅莊luo2 zhuang1
Luozhuang district of Linyi city 臨沂市|临沂市, Shandong
罗庄区羅莊區luo2 zhuang1 qu1
Luozhuang district of Linyi city 臨沂市|临沂市, Shandong
罗兹羅茲luo2 zi1
Łódź, third largest city of Poland
马可波罗馬可波羅ma3 ke3 bo1 luo2
Marco Polo (1254-c. 1324), Venetian trader and explorer who traveled the Silk road to China, author of Il Milione (Travels of Marco Polo)
马托格罗索馬託格羅索ma3 tuo1 ge2 luo2 suo3
Mato Grosso, western province of Brazil
马朱罗馬朱羅ma3 zhu1 luo2
Majuro, capital of Marshall Islands
曼荼罗曼荼羅man4 tu2 luo2
mandala (loan, Buddhism)
曼陀罗曼陀羅man4 tuo2 luo2
flower of north India (Datura stramonium, Sanskrit: mandara), considered sacred and grown in temples, similar to belladonna
冒纳罗亚冒納羅亞mao4 na4 luo2 ya4
Moanalua, Hawaiian volcano
门可罗雀門可羅雀men2 ke3 luo2 que4
you can net sparrows at the door (idiom); completely deserted
many things arranged together, or connected together; to go on limitlessly
森罗宝殿森羅寶殿sen1 luo2 bao3 dian4
Yama's palace
森罗殿森羅殿sen1 luo2 dian4
Yama's palace
僧加罗语僧加羅語seng1 jia1 luo2 yu3
Sinhalese (language)
神圣罗马帝国神聖羅馬帝國shen2 sheng4 luo2 ma3 di4 guo2
the Holy Roman Empire (history)
圣保罗聖保羅sheng4 bao3 luo2
St Paul; São Paulo, city in Brazil
尸罗尸羅shi1 luo2
sila (Buddhism)
施罗德施羅德shi1 luo2 de2
Schröder (name); Gerhard Schröder (1944-), German SPD politician, Chancellor 1998-2005
收罗收羅shou1 luo2
to gather (people); to collect (talent); to come to an end
斯佩罗斯佩羅si1 pei4 luo2
Spero (surname)
搜罗搜羅sou1 luo2
to gather; to collect; to bring together
所罗巴伯所羅巴伯suo3 luo2 ba1 bo2
Zerubbabel (son of Shealtiel)
所罗门所羅門suo3 luo2 men2
Solomon (name)
索罗门索羅門suo3 luo2 men2
Solomon (name); Solomon (Islands)
所罗门群岛所羅門群島suo3 luo2 men2 qun2 dao3
Solomon Islands in southwest Pacific
索罗斯索羅斯suo3 luo2 si1
Soros (name); George Soros or György Schwartz (1930-), Hungarian American financial speculator and millionaire philanthropist
琐罗亚斯德瑣羅亞斯德suo3 luo2 ya4 si1 de2
Zoroaster, Zarathustra or Zarathushtra (c. 1200 BC), Persian prophet and founder of Zoroastrianism
琐罗亚斯德教瑣羅亞斯德教suo3 luo2 ya4 si1 de2 jiao4
琐罗亚斯特瑣羅亞斯特suo3 luo2 ya4 si1 te4
塔罗塔羅ta3 luo2
tarot (loanword)
塔罗卡塔羅卡ta3 luo2 ka3
tarot card; Tarouca
泰罗泰羅tai4 luo2
Tylo (name); Hollywood actress Hunter Tylo
汤加里罗湯加里羅tang1 jia1 li3 luo2
Tongariro, volcanic area on North Island, New Zealand
汤姆·罗宾斯湯姆·羅賓斯tang1 mu3 - luo2 bin1 si1
Tom Robbins, American novelist
特罗多斯特羅多斯te4 luo2 duo1 si1
Troodos, Cyprus
提姆·罗宾斯提姆·羅賓斯ti2 mu3 - luo2 bin1 si1
Tim Robbins (1958-), American actor, director, activist and musician
天妇罗天婦羅tian1 fu4 luo2
tempura; deep-fried cooking; also called 甜不辣
天罗地网天羅地網tian1 luo2 di4 wang3
inescapable net (idiom); trap; dragnet
条条大路通罗马條條大路通羅馬tiao2 tiao2 da4 lu4 tong1 luo2 ma3
all roads lead to Rome; use different means to obtain the same result (idiom)
帖撒罗尼迦帖撒羅尼迦tie3 sa1 luo2 ni2 jia1
帖撒罗尼迦后书帖撒羅尼迦後書tie3 sa1 luo2 ni2 jia1 hou4 shu1
Second epistle of St Paul to the Thessalonians
帖撒罗尼迦前书帖撒羅尼迦前書tie3 sa1 luo2 ni2 jia1 qian2 shu1
First epistle of St Paul to the Thessalonians
统一新罗統一新羅tong3 yi1 xin1 luo2
unified Silla (658-935), Korean kingdom
吐火罗人吐火羅人tu3 huo3 luo2 ren2
Tokharian Indo-European people of central Asia; same as 月氏人
托罗斯山托羅斯山tuo1 luo2 si1 shan1
Taurus mountains of south Turkey
陀罗尼陀羅尼tuo2 luo2 ni2
incantation (Sanskrit: dharani); religious chant (promoting virtue and obstructing evil)
万维天罗地网萬維天羅地網wan4 wei2 tian1 luo2 di4 wang3
World Wide Web (WWW); lit. ten-thousand dimensional net covering heaven and earth; term coined by China News Digest and abbreviated to 萬維網|万维网
网罗網羅wang3 luo2
net for fishing or bird catching; (fig.) fetters; to snare (a valuable new team member etc); to bring together under the one umbrella
维罗纳維羅納wei2 luo2 na4
沃罗涅日沃羅湼日wo4 luo2 nie4 ri4
Voronezh, city in the southwest of European Russia
希罗底希羅底xi1 luo2 di3
Herodium (town in biblical Judea)
西塞罗西塞羅xi1 sai1 luo2
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC), famous Roman politician, orator and philosopher, murdered at the orders of Marc Anthony
希思罗希思羅xi1 si1 luo1
Heathrow (a London airport)
希斯罗机场希斯羅機場xi1 si1 luo2 ji1 chang3
Heathrow Airport
暹罗暹羅xian1 luo2
Siam (old word for Thailand); Siamese
暹罗语暹羅語xian1 luo2 yu3
Siamese (Thai) language
新罗新羅xin1 luo2
Silla, Korean kingdom 57 BC-935 AD; one of the Korean Three Kingdoms from 1st century AD, defeating its rivals Paikche 百濟|百济 and Koguryo 高句麗|高句丽 around 660 in alliance with Tang China; unified Silla 658-935
新罗区新羅區xin1 luo2 qu1
Xinluo district of Longyan city 龍岩市|龙岩市, Fujian
新罗王朝新羅王朝xin1 luo2 wang2 chao2
Silla, Korean kingdom 57 BC-935 AD; one of the Korean Three Kingdoms from 1st century AD, defeating its rivals Paikche 百濟|百济 and Koguryo 高句麗|高句丽 around 660 in alliance with Tang China; unified Silla 658-935
星罗棋布星羅棋布xing1 luo2 qi2 bu4
scattered about like stars in the sky or chess pieces on a board (idiom); spread all over the place
修罗修羅xiu1 luo2
Asura, malevolent spirits in Indian mythology
雅罗鱼雅羅魚ya3 luo2 yu2
亚罗号亞羅號ya4 luo2 hao4
the Arrow (a Hong Kong registered ship involved in historical incident in 1856 used as pretext for the second Opium War)
亚罗号事件亞羅號事件ya4 luo2 hao4 shi4 jian4
the Arrow Incident of 1856 (used as pretext for the second Opium War)
亚罗士打亞羅士打ya4 luo2 shi4 da3
Alor Star city, capital of Kedah state in northwest Malaysia
亚穆苏克罗亞穆蘇克羅ya4 mu4 su1 ke4 luo2
Yamoussoukro (city in the Ivory Coast)
阎罗閻羅yan2 luo2
Yama, King of Hell; translation of Sanskrit: Yama Raja
阎罗王閻羅王yan2 luo2 wang2
Yama, King of Hell; translation of Sanskrit: Yama Raja
盐酸克仑特罗鹽酸克侖特羅yan2 suan1 ke4 lun2 te4 luo1
clenbuterol hydrochloride (diet pill that burns fat); e.g. Spiropent
因陀罗因陀羅yin1 tuo2 luo2
Indra (a Hindu deity)
约翰保罗約翰保羅yue1 han4 bao3 luo2
John Paul (name); Pope John Paul II, Karol Józef Wojtyła (1920-2005), Pope 1978-2005
扎格罗斯扎格羅斯za1 ge2 luo2 si1
Zagros mountains of southwest Iran
扎格罗斯山脉扎格羅斯山脈za1 ge2 luo2 si1 shan1 mai4
Zagros mountains of southwest Iran
张罗張羅zhang1 luo5
to take care of; to raise money; to attend to (guests, customers etc)
直布罗陀直布羅陀zhi2 bu4 luo2 tuo2
直布罗陀海峡直布羅陀海峽zhi2 bu4 luo2 tuo2 hai3 xia2
Strait of Gibraltar
侏罗侏羅zhu1 luo2
Jura mountains of eastern France and extending into Switzerland