
to dress; to wear; to put on (clothes)

strokes 6
strokes after radical 0
阿衣奴 阿衣奴 a1 yi1 nu2
see 阿伊努

白大衣高血压 白大衣高血壓 bai2 da4 yi1 gao1 xue4 ya1
white coat hypertension; white coat syndrome

白衣苍狗 白衣蒼狗 bai2 yi1 cang1 gou3
lit. (cloud shapes) changing from a white shirt to a gray dog (idiom); fig. the impermanence of all things

白衣战士 白衣戰士 bai2 yi1 zhan4 shi4
warrior in white; medical worker

胞衣 胞衣 bao1 yi1

包衣 包衣 bao1 yi1
capsule (containing medicine); husk (of corn)

包衣种子 包衣種子 bao1 yi1 zhong3 zi5
seed enclosed in artificial capsule

便衣 便衣 bian4 yi1
civilian clothes; plain clothes; plainclothesman

便衣警察 便衣警察 bian4 yi1 jing3 cha2
plain-clothed policeman

布衣 布衣 bu4 yi1
plain cotton clothing; (literary) the common people

布衣韦带 布衣韋帶 bu4 yi1 wei2 dai4
in hemp cloth and with a leather belt; poorly dressed

彩衣 彩衣 cai3 yi1
colored clothes; motley attire

蝉衣 蟬衣 chan2 yi1
cicada slough (used in TCM)

肠衣 腸衣 chang2 yi1
sausage casing

衬衣 襯衣 chen4 yi1

成衣 成衣 cheng2 yi1
ready-made clothes

穿衣 穿衣 chuan1 yi1
to wear clothes; clothing

搓衣板 搓衣板 cuo1 yi1 ban3

大衣 大衣 da4 yi1
overcoat; topcoat; cloak

单衣 單衣 dan1 yi1
unlined garment

捣衣 搗衣 dao3 yi1
to launder clothes by pounding

地衣 地衣 di4 yi1

冬衣 冬衣 dong1 yi1
winter clothes

短衣 短衣 duan3 yi1
short garment; short jacket

短衣帮 短衣幫 duan3 yi1 bang1
lit. short jacket party; working people; the toiling masses; blue collar workers

法衣 法衣 fa3 yi1
robe of a Buddhist priest; ceremonial garment of a Daoist priest; robe of a judge, nun, priest etc; cassock; vestment

防弹衣 防彈衣 fang2 dan4 yi1
bulletproof vest

风衣 風衣 feng1 yi1
windbreaker; wind cheater; wind jacket

丰衣足食 豐衣足食 feng1 yi1 zu2 shi2
having ample food and clothing (idiom); well fed and clothed

缝衣工人 縫衣工人 feng2 yi1 gong1 ren2

缝衣匠 縫衣匠 feng2 yi1 jiang4

缝衣针 縫衣針 feng2 yi1 zhen1
sewing needle

干衣 乾衣 gan1 yi1
drysuit (diving)

更衣 更衣 geng1 yi1
to change clothes; to go to the toilet (euphemism)

更衣室 更衣室 geng1 yi1 shi4
change room; dressing room; locker room; toilet

估衣 估衣 gu4 yi1
second hand clothes

寒衣 寒衣 han2 yi1
winter clothing

和衣而卧 和衣而卧 he2 yi1 er2 wo4
to lie down to sleep with one's clothes on

红衣主教 紅衣主教 hong2 yi1 zhu3 jiao4
Catholic Cardinal

浣衣 浣衣 huan4 yi1
to wash clothes

皇帝的新衣 皇帝的新衣 huang2 di4 de5 xin1 yi1
the Emperor's new clothes (i.e. naked)

继承衣钵 繼承衣缽 ji4 cheng2 yi1 bo1
to take up sb's mantle; to follow in sb's steps

节衣缩食 節衣縮食 jie2 yi1 suo1 shi2
to save on food and clothing (idiom); to live frugally

紧衣缩食 緊衣縮食 jin3 yi1 suo1 shi2
see 節衣縮食|节衣缩食

锦衣玉食 錦衣玉食 jin3 yi1 yu4 shi2
brocade garments, jade meals (idiom); a life of luxury; extravagance

救生衣 救生衣 jiu4 sheng1 yi1
life jacket; life vest

拘束衣 拘束衣 ju1 shu4 yi1

开花衣 開花衣 kai1 hua1 yi1
to open a bale of cotton

看菜吃饭,量体裁衣 看菜吃飯,量體裁衣 kan1 cai4 chi1 fan4 - liang2 ti3 cai2 yi1
eat depending on the dish, cut cloth according to the body (idiom); to fit the appetite to the dishes and the dress to the figure; to act according to actual circumstances; to live within one's means

宽衣 寬衣 kuan1 yi1
Please take off your coat (honorific)

宽衣解带 寬衣解帶 kuan1 yi1 jie3 dai4
to undress

连衣裙 連衣裙 lian2 yi1 qun2
woman's dress; frock; gown

量体裁衣 量體裁衣 liang2 ti3 cai2 yi1
lit. measure the body then tailor the suit (idiom); fig. to act according to actual circumstances; To live within one's means.

晾衣夹 晾衣夾 liang4 yi1 jia1
clothes pin

麻衣 麻衣 ma2 yi1
hemp garment

毛线衣 毛線衣 mao2 xian4 yi1
sweater; woolen knitwear; wool

毛衣 毛衣 mao2 yi1
(wool) sweater

棉衣 棉衣 mian2 yi1
cotton-padded clothes

内衣 內衣 nei4 yi1
undergarment; underwear

内衣裤 內衣褲 nei4 yi1 ku4

鸟疫衣原体 鳥疫衣原體 niao3 yi4 yi1 yuan2 ti3
Chlamydia ornithosis

牛衣对泣 牛衣對泣 niu2 yi1 dui4 qi4
couple living in destitute misery (idiom)

派克大衣 派克大衣 pai4 ke4 da4 yi1
parka jacket (loanword)

绮衣 綺衣 qi3 yi1
beautiful clothes

潜水衣 潛水衣 qian2 shui3 yi1
diving suit

嵌入式衣柜 嵌入式衣櫃 qian4 ru4 shi4 yi1 gui4
built-in closet

枪衣 槍衣 qiang1 yi1
gun cover

青衣 青衣 qing1 yi1
black clothes; servant (old); young woman role in Chinese opera, also called 正旦

秋衣 秋衣 qiu1 yi1
long underwear

缺衣少食 缺衣少食 que1 yi1 shao3 shi2
short of food and clothing; destitute

戎衣 戎衣 rong2 yi1
military uniform

晒衣绳 曬衣繩 shai4 yi1 sheng2

晒衣绳子 曬衣繩子 shai4 yi1 sheng2 zi5
clothes line

上衣 上衣 shang4 yi1
jacket; upper outer garment

湿衣 濕衣 shi1 yi1

食衣住行 食衣住行 shi2 yi1 zhu4 xing2
see 衣食住行

试衣 試衣 shi4 yi1
to try on (clothes); fitting

试衣间 試衣間 shi4 yi1 jian1
fitting room

寿衣 壽衣 shou4 yi1
burial clothes

束身内衣 束身內衣 shu4 shen1 nei4 yi1

束衣 束衣 shu4 yi1
corset (clothing)

睡衣 睡衣 shui4 yi1
night clothes; pajamas

睡衣裤 睡衣褲 shui4 yi1 ku4

蓑衣 蓑衣 suo1 yi1
woven rush raincoat

缩衣节食 縮衣節食 suo1 yi1 jie2 shi2
to economize on clothes and food; to scrimp and save (idiom)

袒衣 袒衣 tan3 yi1
to dress in a hurry with part of the body showing

糖衣 糖衣 tang2 yi1
frosting or icing (on cakes etc); sugarcoating

烫衣 燙衣 tang4 yi1
to iron (clothes)

烫衣板 燙衣板 tang4 yi1 ban3
ironing board

天衣无缝 天衣無縫 tian1 yi1 wu2 feng4
lit. seamless heavenly clothes (idiom); fig. flawless

脱衣服 脫衣服 tuo1 yi1 fu2

脱衣舞 脫衣舞 tuo1 yi1 wu3

外衣 外衣 wai4 yi1
outer clothing; semblance; appearance

卫衣 衛衣 wei4 yi1
hooded sweatshirt; hoodie

洗衣 洗衣 xi3 yi1

洗衣板 洗衣板 xi3 yi1 ban3
washboard; (jocularly) flat chest

洗衣店 洗衣店 xi3 yi1 dian4
laundry (commercial establishment)

洗衣房 洗衣房 xi3 yi1 fang2
laundry room

洗衣粉 洗衣粉 xi3 yi1 fen3
laundry detergent; washing powder

洗衣机 洗衣機 xi3 yi1 ji1
washer; washing machine

洗衣网 洗衣網 xi3 yi1 wang3
mesh laundry bag (for keeping garments separate from others in the washing machine)

相体裁衣 相體裁衣 xiang4 ti3 cai2 yi1
lit. tailor the clothes to fit the body (idiom); fig. act according to real circumstances

宵衣旰食 宵衣旰食 xiao1 yi1 gan4 shi2
to dress before light and not eat before dark (idiom); diligently attending to official matters

孝衣 孝衣 xiao4 yi1
mourning garment

血衣 血衣 xue4 yi1
bloody garment

薰衣草 薰衣草 xun1 yi1 cao3

熏衣草 熏衣草 xun1 yi1 cao3

腰金衣紫 腰金衣紫 yao1 jin1 yi1 zi3
golden seal at the waist, purple gown (idiom); in official position

衣钵 衣缽 yi1 bo1
the cassock and alms bowl of a Buddhist master passed on to the favorite disciple (Buddhism); legacy; mantle

衣不蔽体 衣不蔽體 yi1 bu4 bi4 ti3
lit. clothes not covering the body (idiom); fig. poverty-stricken

衣橱 衣櫥 yi1 chu2

衣袋 衣袋 yi1 dai4

衣带 衣帶 yi1 dai4
belt; sash; attire (clothes and belt)

衣单食薄 衣單食薄 yi1 dan1 shi2 bo2
thin coat, meager food (idiom); life of wretched poverty; destitute

衣兜 衣兜 yi1 dou1

衣服缝边 衣服縫邊 yi1 fu2 feng4 bian1

衣服 衣服 yi1 fu5

衣钩 衣鉤 yi1 gou1
clothes hook

衣钩儿 衣鉤兒 yi1 gou1 er5
erhua variant of 衣鉤|衣钩

衣冠 衣冠 yi1 guan1
hat and clothes; attire

衣冠楚楚 衣冠楚楚 yi1 guan1 chu3 chu3
immaculately dressed; well-groomed; dapper

衣冠禽兽 衣冠禽獸 yi1 guan1 qin2 shou4
lit. dressed up animal (idiom); fig. immoral and despicable person

衣冠冢 衣冠冢 yi1 guan1 zhong3

衣柜 衣櫃 yi1 gui4
wardrobe; armoire

衣夹 衣夾 yi1 jia1
clothespin; clothes peg

衣架 衣架 yi1 jia4
clothes hanger; clothes rack

衣角 衣角 yi1 jiao3
corner of the lower hem of a jacket etc

衣襟 衣襟 yi1 jin1
the front piece(s) of a Chinese jacket; lapel

衣锦荣归 衣錦榮歸 yi1 jin3 rong2 gui1
to come back to one's hometown in silken robes (idiom); to return in glory

衣料 衣料 yi1 liao4
material for clothing

衣领 衣領 yi1 ling3
collar; neck

衣履 衣履 yi1 lv3
clothes and shoes

衣帽间 衣帽間 yi1 mao4 jian1

衣衾 衣衾 yi1 qin1
burial clothes

衣裙 衣裙 yi1 qun2
female clothing

衣衫 衣衫 yi1 shan1
clothing; unlined garment

衣裳 衣裳 yi1 shang5

衣裳钩儿 衣裳鈎兒 yi1 shang5 gou1 er5
clothes hook

衣食 衣食 yi1 shi2
clothes and food

衣食父母 衣食父母 yi1 shi2 fu4 mu3
the people one depends upon for one's livelihood; one's bread and butter

衣食无忧 衣食無憂 yi1 shi2 wu2 you1
not having to worry about clothes and food (idiom); to be provided with the basic necessities

衣食无虞 衣食無虞 yi1 shi2 wu2 yu2
not having to worry about food and clothes (idiom); provided with the basic necessities

衣食住行 衣食住行 yi1 shi2 zhu4 xing2
clothing, food, housing and transport (idiom); people's basic needs

衣饰 衣飾 yi1 shi4
clothes and ornaments

衣索比亚 衣索比亞 yi1 suo3 bi3 ya4
Ethiopia (Tw)

衣索比亚界 衣索比亞界 yi1 suo3 bi3 ya4 jie4
(Tw) Ethiopian Zone, aka Afrotropical realm

衣物 衣物 yi1 wu4
clothing; clothing and other personal items

衣物柜 衣物櫃 yi1 wu4 gui4
locker; lockable compartment

衣袖 衣袖 yi1 xiu4
the sleeve of a garment

一衣带水 一衣帶水 yi1 yi1 dai4 shui3
(separated only by) a narrow strip of water

衣鱼 衣魚 yi1 yu2
silverfish (Lepisma saccharina)

衣原菌 衣原菌 yi1 yuan2 jun1

衣原体 衣原體 yi1 yuan2 ti3
Chlamydia (genus of intracellular parasitic bacteria)

衣装 衣裝 yi1 zhuang1

衣着 衣著 yi1 zhuo2

衣子 衣子 yi1 zi3

衣甲 衣甲 yi4 jia3

衣锦还乡 衣錦還鄉 yi4 jin3 huan2 xiang1
to come back to one's hometown in silken robes (idiom); to return in glory

泳衣 泳衣 yong3 yi1
swimsuit; bathing suit

优衣库 優衣庫 you1 yi1 ku4
Uniqlo, Japanese clothing brand

游泳衣 游泳衣 you2 yong3 yi1
swimsuit; bathing costume

雨衣 雨衣 yu3 yi1

浴衣 浴衣 yu4 yi1

垣衣 垣衣 yuan2 yi1
moss under old walls

罩衣 罩衣 zhao4 yi1

征衣 征衣 zheng1 yi1
traveler's clothing; military uniform

制衣 制衣 zhi4 yi1
clothing manufacture

着衣 著衣 zhuo2 yi1
to get dressed

自助洗衣店 自助洗衣店 zi4 zhu4 xi3 yi1 dian4
laundromat; launderette