
strokes 6
strokes after radical 2
安贞 安貞 an1 zhen1
Antei (Japanese reign name, 1227-1229)

白素贞 白素貞 bai2 su4 zhen1
(name of a person) Bai Suzhen, from Madame White Snake

坚贞 堅貞 jian1 zhen1
firm; unswerving; loyal to the end

坚贞不屈 堅貞不屈 jian1 zhen1 bu4 qu1
faithful and unchanging (idiom); steadfast

坚贞不渝 堅貞不渝 jian1 zhen1 bu4 yu2
unyielding integrity (idiom); unwavering

女贞 女貞 nv3 zhen1
privet (genus Ligustrum)

三贞九烈 三貞九烈 san1 zhen1 jiu3 lie4
(of a widow) faithful to the death to her husband's memory

圣女贞德 聖女貞德 sheng4 nv3 zhen1 de2
Joan of Arc (1412-1431), French heroine and liberator, executed as a witch by the Burgundians and English

苏贞昌 蘇貞昌 su1 zhen1 chang1
Su Tseng-chang (1947-), Taiwanese DPP politician

童贞 童貞 tong2 zhen1
virginity; chastity

永贞革新 永貞革新 yong3 zhen1 ge2 xin1
Yongzhen Reform, Tang dynasty failed reform movement of 805 led by Wang Shuwen 王叔文

永贞内禅 永貞內禪 yong3 zhen1 nei4 shan4
Yongzhen abdication of 805

贞操 貞操 zhen1 cao1
(usually of women) chastity; virginity; virtue; honor; loyalty; moral integrity

贞操带 貞操帶 zhen1 cao1 dai4
chastity belt

贞德 貞德 zhen1 de2
Jeanne d'Arc (1412-1431), French heroine and liberator, executed as a witch by the Burgundians and English; also called Jehanne Darc, the Maid or Orleans, Joan of Arc or St Joan

贞丰 貞豐 zhen1 feng1
Zhenfeng county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州, Guizhou

贞丰县 貞豐縣 zhen1 feng1 xian4
Zhenfeng county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州, Guizhou

贞节 貞節 zhen1 jie2
chastity; virginity (of women); moral integrity (of men); loyalty; constancy

贞洁 貞潔 zhen1 jie2

贞节牌坊 貞節牌坊 zhen1 jie2 pai2 fang1
memorial arch in honor of a chaste widow

贞烈 貞烈 zhen1 lie4
ready to die to preserve one's chastity

贞女 貞女 zhen1 nv3
female virgin; widow who does not remarry

忠贞 忠貞 zhong1 zhen1
loyal and dependable

忠贞不渝 忠貞不渝 zhong1 zhen1 bu4 yu2
unswerving in one's loyalty (idiom); faithful and constant