Hoboksar Mongol autonomous county or Qobuqsar Mongghul aptonom nahiyisi in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区, Xinjiang
和布克赛尔县和布克賽爾縣he2 bu4 ke4 sai4 er3 xian4
Hoboksar Mongol autonomous county or Qobuqsar Mongghul aptonom nahiyisi in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区, Xinjiang
侯赛因侯賽因hou2 sai4 yin1
Husain or Hussein (name); Hussein (c. 626-680), Muslim leader whose martyrdom is commemorated at Ashura; Saddam Hussein al Tikriti (1937-2006), dictator of Iraq 1979-2003
环法自行车赛環法自行車賽huan2 fa3 zi4 xing2 che1 sai4
Tour de France cycle race
霍赛霍賽huo4 sai4
Jose (name)
吉卜赛人吉卜賽人ji2 bu3 sai4 ren2
吉普赛人吉普賽人ji2 pu3 sai4 ren2
季后赛季後賽ji4 hou4 sai4
a playoff
祭赛祭賽ji4 sai4
to give sacrifice
计时比赛計時比賽ji4 shi2 bi3 sai4
time trial (e.g. in cycle race); timed race; competition against the clock
计时赛計時賽ji4 shi2 sai4
time trial (e.g. in cycle race); timed race; competition against the clock
加赛加賽jia1 sai4
a play-off; replay
接力赛接力賽jie1 li4 sai4
relay race
接力赛跑接力賽跑jie1 li4 sai4 pao3
relay race
锦标赛錦標賽jin3 biao1 sai4
championship contest; championships
迳赛逕賽jing4 sai4
竞赛競賽jing4 sai4
race; competition
径赛徑賽jing4 sai4
track events (athletics competition)
竞赛者競賽者jing4 sai4 zhe3
决赛決賽jue2 sai4
finals (of a competition)
军备竞赛軍備競賽jun1 bei4 jing4 sai4
arms race; armament(s) race
开赛開賽kai1 sai4
to start a match; the kick-off
开始比赛開始比賽kai1 shi3 bi3 sai4
to start a match; to kick off
凯林赛凱林賽kai3 lin2 sai4
keirin cycle race (paced stadium event); translit. of Japanese けいりん 競輪|竞轮
科尼赛克科尼賽克ke1 ni2 sai4 ke4
Koenigsegg (car manufacturer)
跨栏比赛跨欄比賽kua4 lan2 bi3 sai4
hurdling; hurdles race (athletics event)
拉力赛拉力賽la1 li4 sai4
rally (car race) (loanword)
擂台赛擂臺賽lei4 tai2 sai4
single-elimination open tournament (the winner stays on until he is himself defeated)
里弗赛德里弗賽德li3 fu2 sai4 de2
联赛聯賽lian2 sai4
(sports) league; league tournament
马拉松赛馬拉松賽ma3 la1 song1 sai4
marathon race
马赛馬賽ma3 sai4
Marseille, city in south France; Basay, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
马赛克馬賽克ma3 sai4 ke4
mosaic (loanword)
马赛曲馬賽曲ma3 sai4 qu3
La Marseillaise
马赛族馬賽族ma3 sai4 zu2
Basay, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan; Maasai people of Kenya
弥赛亚彌賽亞mi2 sai4 ya4
纳赛尔納賽爾na4 sai4 er3
Nasr or Nasser (Arab name); Gamal Abdel Nasser (1918-1970), Egyptian President
欧洲歌唱大赛歐洲歌唱大賽ou1 zhou1 ge1 chang4 da4 sai4
Eurovision Song Contest
普赛普賽pu3 sai4
psi (Greek letter Ψψ)
棋赛棋賽qi2 sai4
chess game
球赛球賽qiu2 sai4
sports match; ballgame
拳击比赛拳擊比賽quan2 ji1 bi3 sai4
boxing match
热身赛熱身賽re4 shen1 sai4
exhibition game
萨达姆·侯赛因薩達姆·侯賽因sa4 da2 mu3 - hou2 sai4 yin1
Saddam Hussein
赛百味賽百味sai4 bai3 wei4
Subway (fast food restaurant)
赛场賽場sai4 chang3
racetrack; field (for athletics competition)
赛车賽車sai4 che1
auto race; cycle race; race car
赛车场賽車場sai4 che1 chang3
motor racetrack; cycle racetrack
赛车场赛賽車場賽sai4 che1 chang3 sai4
stadium cycle race
赛车女郎賽車女郎sai4 che1 nv3 lang2
pit babe; paddock girl; grid girl
赛车手賽車手sai4 che1 shou3
racing driver
赛程賽程sai4 cheng2
competition schedule; the course of a race
赛船賽船sai4 chuan2
boat race; racing ship or boat
赛道賽道sai4 dao4
race course
赛德克族賽德克族sai4 de2 ke4 zu2
Seediq, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
赛德娜賽德娜sai4 de2 na4
Sedna, small body in the outer reaches of the solar system
赛点賽點sai4 dian3
match point (tennis etc)
赛段賽段sai4 duan4
stage of a competition
赛罕賽罕sai4 han3
Saihan District of Hohhot City 呼和浩特市, Inner Mongolia
赛罕区賽罕區sai4 han3 qu1
Saihan District of Hohhot City 呼和浩特市, Inner Mongolia
赛会賽會sai4 hui4
religious procession; exposition
赛季賽季sai4 ji4
season (sports)
赛里木湖賽里木湖sai4 li3 mu4 hu2
Sayram Lake in Xinjiang
赛龙船賽龍船sai4 long2 chuan2
dragon-boat race
赛龙舟賽龍舟sai4 long2 zhou1
to race dragon boats
赛璐玢賽璐玢sai4 lu4 fen1
cellophane (loanword)
赛璐珞賽璐珞sai4 lu4 luo4
celluloid (loanword)
赛马賽馬sai4 ma3
horse race; horse racing
赛马场賽馬場sai4 ma3 chang3
race course; race ground; race track
赛马会賽馬會sai4 ma3 hui4
the Jockey Club, Hong Kong philanthropic organization (and former gentleman's club)
赛跑賽跑sai4 pao3
race (running); to race (running)
赛普勒斯賽普勒斯sai4 pu3 le4 si1
Cyprus (Tw)
赛事賽事sai4 shi4
competition (e.g. sporting)
赛氏篱莺賽氏籬鶯sai4 shi4 li2 ying1
(bird species of China) Sykes's warbler (Iduna rama)
赛特賽特sai4 te4
Seth (name)
赛艇賽艇sai4 ting3
boat race; racing ship or boat; rowing (sport)
赛夏族賽夏族sai4 xia4 zu2
Saisiyat or Saisiat, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
赛先生賽先生sai4 xian1 sheng5
"Mr Science", phrase used during the May 4th Movement 五四運動|五四运动; abbr. for 賽因斯|赛因斯; see also 德先生
赛扬賽揚sai4 yang2
Celeron (an Intel chip)
赛义迪賽義迪sai4 yi4 di2
Said or Sayed (Arabic name)
赛因斯賽因斯sai4 yin1 si1
science (loanword)
赛珍珠賽珍珠sai4 zhen1 zhu1
Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973), American writer known for her novels on Asian cultures, Pulitzer Prize and Nobel Prize laureate