old variant of 辭|辞

to resign; to dismiss; to decline; to take leave; ballad (archaic poetic genre); variant of 詞|词

strokes 13
strokes after radical 6
哀辞 哀辭 ai1 ci2
dirge; lament

卑辞厚币 卑辭厚幣 bei1 ci2 hou4 bi4
humble expression for generous donation

卑辞厚礼 卑辭厚禮 bei1 ci2 hou4 li3
humble expression for generous gift

辩辞 辯辭 bian4 ci2
an excuse

驳辞 駁辭 bo2 ci2
refutation; incoherent speech

卜辞 卜辭 bu3 ci2
oracle inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty (16th-11th century BC) on tortoiseshells or animal bones

不辞而别 不辭而別 bu4 ci2 er2 bie2
to leave without saying good-bye

不辞劳苦 不辭勞苦 bu4 ci2 lao2 ku3
to spare no effort

不辞辛苦 不辭辛苦 bu4 ci2 xin1 ku3
to make nothing of hardships

不以辞害志 不以辭害志 bu4 yi3 ci2 hai4 zhi4
don't let rhetoric spoil the message (idiom); don't get carried away with flowery speech to the detriment of what you want to say

楚辞 楚辭 chu3 ci2
Chu Ci, the Songs of Chu (ancient book of poems, collected during Han but esp. from country of Chu c. 500 BC)

辞别 辭別 ci2 bie2
to take leave

辞呈 辭呈 ci2 cheng2
(written) resignation

辞典 辭典 ci2 dian3
dictionary (of Chinese compound words); also written 詞典|词典

辞掉 辭掉 ci2 diao4
to resign a post; to sack and get rid of

辞格 辭格 ci2 ge2
figure of speech

辞官 辭官 ci2 guan1
to resign a government post

辞海 辭海 ci2 hai3
Cihai, an encyclopedic dictionary first published in 1915, and frequently revised

辞令 辭令 ci2 ling4
polite speech; diplomatic terms; rhetoric

辞去 辭去 ci2 qu4
to resign; to quit

辞任 辭任 ci2 ren4
to resign (a position)

辞世 辭世 ci2 shi4
to die; to depart this life (euphemism); same as 去世

辞书 辭書 ci2 shu1
dictionary; encyclopedia

辞书学 辭書學 ci2 shu1 xue2

辞退 辭退 ci2 tui4
to dismiss; to discharge; to fire

辞谢 辭謝 ci2 xie4
to decline gratefully

辞行 辭行 ci2 xing2
to say goodbye; leave-taking; farewells

辞藻 辭藻 ci2 zao3

辞章 辭章 ci2 zhang1
poetry and prose; rhetoric

辞职 辭職 ci2 zhi2
to resign

措辞 措辭 cuo4 ci2
wording; way of expressing something; turn of phrase; diction

措辞强硬 措辭強硬 cuo4 ci2 qiang2 ying4

大放厥辞 大放厥辭 da4 fang4 jue2 ci2
great release of talk (idiom); to spout nonsense

悼辞 悼辭 dao4 ci2
variant of 悼詞|悼词

发语辞 發語辭 fa1 yu3 ci2
literary auxiliary particle, comes at the beginning of a sentence

告辞 告辭 gao4 ci2
to say goodbye; to take one's leave

卦辞 卦辭 gua4 ci2
to interpret the divinatory trigrams

寄辞 寄辭 ji4 ci2
to send a message

讲辞 講辭 jiang3 ci2

敬辞 敬辭 jing4 ci2
term of respect; honorific title; honorific (in grammar)

恳辞 懇辭 ken3 ci2
to decline with sincere thanks

类语辞典 類語辭典 lei4 yu3 ci2 dian3

丽辞 麗辭 li4 ci2
beautiful wordage; also written 麗詞|丽词

裸辞 裸辭 luo3 ci2
to quit one's job (without having another one)

难辞其咎 難辭其咎 nan2 ci2 qi2 jiu4
cannot escape censure (idiom); has to bear the blame

偏辞 偏辭 pian1 ci2
one-sided words; prejudice; flattery

谦辞 謙辭 qian1 ci2
humble words; self-deprecatory expression; to modestly decline

请辞 請辭 qing3 ci2
to ask sb to resign from a post

冗辞 冗辭 rong3 ci2
variant of 冗詞|冗词

善言辞 善言辭 shan4 yan2 ci2
articulate; eloquent

说辞 說辭 shuo1 ci2
excuse; pretext; entreaties; arguments

颂辞 頌辭 song4 ci2
variant of 頌詞|颂词

彖辞 彖辭 tuan4 ci2
to interpret the divinatory trigrams

推辞 推辭 tui1 ci2
to decline (an appointment, invitation etc)

托辞 托辭 tuo1 ci2
see 託詞|托词

托辞 託辭 tuo1 ci2
see 託詞|托词

婉辞 婉辭 wan3 ci2
tactful expression; to politely decline

挽辞 挽辭 wan3 ci2
an elegy; elegiac words

万死不辞 萬死不辭 wan4 si3 bu4 ci2
ten thousand deaths will not prevent me (idiom); ready to risk life and limb to help out

危辞耸听 危辭聳聽 wei1 ci2 song3 ting1
to startle sb with scary tale

文辞 文辭 wen2 ci2
language; words

形容辞 形容辭 xing2 rong2 ci2

修辞 修辭 xiu1 ci2

修辞格 修辭格 xiu1 ci2 ge2
figure of speech

修辞学 修辭學 xiu1 ci2 xue2

袖珍辞典 袖珍辭典 xiu4 zhen1 ci2 dian3
pocket dictionary

言辞 言辭 yan2 ci2
words; expression; what one says

严辞 嚴辭 yan2 ci2
stern words

一辞莫赞 一辭莫贊 yi1 ci2 mo4 zan4
left speechless by sth perfect (idiom)

义不容辞 義不容辭 yi4 bu4 rong2 ci2
not to be shirked without dishonor (idiom); incumbent; bounden (duty)

义正辞严 義正辭嚴 yi4 zheng4 ci2 yan2
to speak forcibly out of a sense of righteousness (idiom)

引咎辞职 引咎辭職 yin3 jiu4 ci2 zhi2
to admit responsibility and resign

隐约其辞 隱約其辭 yin3 yue1 qi2 ci2
equivocal speech; to use vague or ambiguous language

谀辞 諛辭 yu2 ci2
flattering words

与世长辞 與世長辭 yu3 shi4 chang2 ci2
to die; to depart from the world forever

欲加之罪,何患无辞 欲加之罪,何患無辭 yu4 jia1 zhi1 zui4 - he2 huan4 wu2 ci2
If you want to condemn sb, don't worry about the pretext (idiom, from Zuozhuan 左傳|左传); one can always trump up a charge against sb; Give a dog a bad name, then hang him.

在所不辞 在所不辭 zai4 suo3 bu4 ci2
not to refuse to (idiom); not to hesitate to

赞辞 贊辭 zan4 ci2

振振有辞 振振有辭 zhen4 zhen4 you3 ci2
to speak forcefully and with justice (idiom); to argue with the courage of one's convictions; also written 振振有詞|振振有词

致辞 致辭 zhi4 ci2
to express in words or writing; to make a speech (esp. short introduction, vote of thanks, afterword, funeral homily etc); to address (an audience); same as 致詞|致词