clap of thunder

strokes 24
strokes after radical 16
列缺霹雳 列缺霹靂 lie4 que1 pi1 li4
thunder and lightning

霹雳 霹靂 pi1 li4
Perak (state of Malaysia)

霹雳 霹靂 pi1 li4
clap of thunder; thunderbolt; (slang) awesome; shocking; terrifying

霹雳啪啦 霹靂啪啦 pi1 li4 pa1 la1
see 噼裡啪啦|噼里啪啦

霹雳舞 霹靂舞 pi1 li4 wu3
to breakdance; breakdancing

青天霹雳 青天霹靂 qing1 tian1 pi1 li4
thunder from a clear sky (idiom); a bolt from the blue

晴天霹雳 晴天霹靂 qing2 tian1 pi1 li4
thunder from a clear sky (idiom); a bolt from the blue