old variant of 驅|驱

to expel; to urge on; to drive; to run quickly

variant of 驅|驱

strokes 7
strokes after radical 4
并驾齐驱 並駕齊驅 bing4 jia4 qi2 qu1
to run neck and neck; to keep pace with; to keep abreast of; on a par with one another

磁盘驱动器 磁盤驅動器 ci2 pan2 qu1 dong4 qi4
disk drive

概念驱动加工 概念驅動加工 gai4 nian4 qu1 dong4 jia1 gong1
concept-driven processing

光盘驱动器 光盤驅動器 guang1 pan2 qu1 dong4 qi4
CD or DVD drive; abbr. to 光驅|光驱

光驱 光驅 guang1 qu1
CD or DVD Drive; abbr. for 光盤驅動器|光盘驱动器

国际先驱论坛报 國際先驅論壇報 guo2 ji4 xian1 qu1 lun4 tan2 bao4
International Herald Tribune

劣币驱逐良币 劣幣驅逐良幣 lie4 bi4 qu1 zhu2 liang2 bi4
bad money drives out good money (economics)

驱病 驅病 qu1 bing4
wards off disease

驱除 驅除 qu1 chu2
to drive off; to dispel; to expel

驱除鞑虏 驅除韃虜 qu1 chu2 da2 lu3
expel the Manchu, revolutionary slogan from around 1900

驱动 驅動 qu1 dong4
to drive; to propel; drive (vehicle wheel); drive mechanism (tape or disk); device driver (computing software)

驱动程序 驅動程序 qu1 dong4 cheng2 xu4
device driver (computing software)

驱动力 驅動力 qu1 dong4 li4
driving force

驱动轮 驅動輪 qu1 dong4 lun2
drive wheel

驱动器 驅動器 qu1 dong4 qi4

驱赶 驅趕 qu1 gan3
to drive (vehicle); to drive out; to chase away; to herd (people towards a gate)

驱寒 驅寒 qu1 han2
to warm oneself; to expel the cold (TCM)

驱离 驅離 qu1 li2
to drive away; to dispel

驱力 驅力 qu1 li4
(psychological) driving force; drive

驱魔 驅魔 qu1 mo2
to drive out devils; to exorcise

驱魔赶鬼 驅魔趕鬼 qu1 mo2 gan3 gui3
to exorcise; to drive out evil spirits

驱散 驅散 qu1 san4
to disperse; to break up

驱使 驅使 qu1 shi3
to urge; to prompt; to spur on; to order sb about

驱瘟 驅瘟 qu1 wen1
to expel pestilences

驱邪 驅邪 qu1 xie2
to drive out devils; exorcism

驱役 驅役 qu1 yi4
to order (sb) about; (by extension) to put to use

驱逐 驅逐 qu1 zhu2
to expel; to deport; banishment

驱逐出境 驅逐出境 qu1 zhu2 chu1 jing4
to deport; to expel

驱逐舰 驅逐艦 qu1 zhu2 jian4
destroyer (warship)

驱逐令 驅逐令 qu1 zhu2 ling4
banishment order; expulsion warrant

驱走 驅走 qu1 zou3
to drive away

全轮驱动 全輪驅動 quan2 lun2 qu1 dong4
all-wheel drive

四轮驱动 四輪驅動 si4 lun2 qu1 dong4
four-wheel drive

四驱车 四驅車 si4 qu1 che1
four-by-four (vehicle); 4x4

先驱 先驅 xian1 qu1

先驱者 先驅者 xian1 qu1 zhe3